Parasites and How the World May End

This is how the world ends. This is how the world will end. This is how the world is ending. Not with a bang but an Oh well.

My elderly friends — and myself, for that matter — are ready to take “the demise pill.” We don’t see any chance for improvement. We remember a good life with scads of hope in it. We assumed our progeny would have an even better world, but now it seems there is no chance. It’s gone (or rapidly going). We are saying, “Oh well.”

It appears to be impossible to turn things around. How can one alter a situation when one can’t contact the hidden monsters who have wrecked the place? We can’t even have an honest chat with our fellow sufferers, as they appear to be in a trance! Darn.

I was lucky today to peruse a September 6, 2022, article written by Colin Todhunter, which rehashed an article by Michael Hudson. Let me summarize it third-hand. Those two critics hypothesize (actually, they out-and-out declare) that the US hegemon does all kinds of things to maintain world hegemony. Currently, the US is undermining the strength of Europe and Russia to keep them from moving toward China. At every citizen’s personal expense, of course.

The US impoverishes the Third World also by giving it the means to increase the output of agriculture via machines and chemicals that then become more expensive. And those crops are for export! Nations, and individuals, are now hopelessly in debt — to a few banks and the IMF. And let’s not forget the way local police worldwide are becoming militarized. Hmm.

I mention those particulars only to convey the fact that it is difficult to compete with the Big Guys who operate with great coordination planetwide and who control the militaries of most countries! My purpose here will be to inventory various ways of knocking down this hegemon. As I said, it feels hopeless, but I am conversant with the intellectual approach, so let’s run it.


Sociobiologist EO Wilson defines “parasite” as a predator that eats less than one unit. Not like a bird that kills a mouse and consumes it, but like a parasite in your stomach that lives off your innards. “Hegemon” is a Greek word meaning leader; it’s used to indicate one nation dominating others — subtly or blatantly.

For his 1985 book, The World Order, Eustace Mullins gave the subtitle “A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism.” His book is about the great heist accomplished by bankers circa 1910. He says they are parasites. I will adopt that concept here. So just as a doctor might try to figure out how to get the parasites out of your stomach, I will inventory any “medicines” I know of that could relieve us of the bank crowd’s hegemonic fixations.

Remember that I am operating today with a personal eye on the demise pill. So the following is (allegedly) just a heuristic exercise.

Imagine ten ways that we could kick the parasites off the throne. I mean, out of our stomachs. Or whatever. The first two ways can be disposed of in one sentence each since I’ve elaborated on them many times elsewhere:

Ten Ways

1. Get’em by applying the law — both to punish them and to stop their activity.

2. Get them out of our legislatures, where they put clever details into laws that enable their big schemes.

3. Don’t do anything. Let the forces of man and nature work it out. (Presumably, this will entail much cruelty and destruction.). That will frustrate the parasites as soon as they realize their prey are becoming scarce.

4. Smoke them out. Sure, the bankers have henchmen galore. They have a henchman in every pot. But not every henchman is 100% brainwashed. Shakespeare, who had no illusions, wrote, “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” Even parasite bankers have to sleep at night.

5. Build up religion. I know from Negro spirituals, which are great music that faith in God pulled the US slaves through difficult times. I envision “God” as everything we believe in, that comes under the heading “morality.” Religion also makes for a strengthener against an enemy. “God said we should do this…” Pow!

6. If it’s impossible to get at the big guys, get the low-hanging fruit. If you punish them good, this will make the uneasy crown-wearers even more uneasy. It also will also send a message to other low-hanging fruit. They will whisper to one another “Are we really in the right business?”

7. If you do get a biggie (Henry Kissinger if he is still alive), stay your hand form the paddle or the gun or anything. Just administer sodium amytal or scopolamine, aka truth serum. Or use hypnosis. “Look at this pendulum. You are getting sleepy, sleeepy…” If his lawyer says that’s against the Fifth Amendment, tell him not to worry about amendments. This is quite possibly the world’s biggest outlaw that has ever been captured. He has codes that we need to elicit. Make nice with Hank.

8. Encourage birth control, seriously. Put a moratorium on births. I say this, as a way to prevent a more violent way to kill off the tribe. It will be too difficult to live in a civilized way with ten billion individuals. We are not built for it. Be pro-life — save humanity.

9. Design a kind world. Even if it does not look practical. Maybe it’s eminently doable. Check Philip Allott’s 2016 book “Eutopia” (and Law professor Allott is, believe me, no slouch). Today we see kindness slipping away. Why? Just because some jerk parasites have to have their stupid way?

10. Meet up locally as a set of elders plus youth. Teach one another. Ask the public to say what they dream of as a good life. Then declare your authority to speak for the group.

As Terese Grinnell once said: Amen.

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