NH State Rep Kat McGhee: a Curious Tale of Corruption, Theft, and Privilege

California Refugee

Why is it that good citizens keep electing the worst possible people to run our Government? Do you remember just two years ago? Things were pretty good. No inflation. Cheap Gas. China and Russia respected us. Then we committed political suicide and elected incompetent, demented, corrupt officials that have gutted our country. Can’t we do better?

Let’s start in Hollis, shall we?

Hollis has two State Representatives in Concord. One is hard working. The other is Democrat Kat McGhee. If you look at her record, she rarely does anything. When she does show up for a vote, Hollis citizens would be shocked at what she supports.

All of that is important but what is really important is how she used her office and her elite privilege to turn Rocky Pond into her private retreat using 150,00 dollars given to her improperly – and some might criminally—by the Hollis Conservation commission.

Kat McGhee house on Rocky Pond

(click to embiggen)

Rocky Pond is a beautiful body of water surrounded by pristine forests for which New Hampshire is famous. For decades, the citizens of Hollis were able to enjoy all that Rocky Pond offered: fishing, swimming, hiking, and boating.

Kat McGhee, however, had other plans. She did not want anyone on “her” pond- (she owns a beautiful house on Rocky Pond). She and the other homeowners on the pond (I was told there are eight in total) set out to close the lake down to anyone other than themselves. The Rogers family owned a large chunk of beach on a very exquisite portion of the pond. They operated a beach open to the public( they charged a fee to cover their expenses).

When the Rogers family decided to sell, they offered to the town of Hollis but (and who knows whose hand was in this lame reasoning) the town declined to purchase because they did not want to belong to the Rocky Pond HOA.

This created Kat McGhee’s chance to keep the citizens of Hollis off the pond. She and her fellow owners – some might say the wealthy elite of Hollis – together with Beaver Brook Assn (also a property owner on the pond) went to the Hollis Conservation Commission and essentially said that they wanted to buy up the Rogers beach and needed the HCC to give them 150,000 dollars to make the deal.

Let that sink in: the Hollis conservation commission would give 150,000 to the Rocky pond homeowners association to enable them to buy, own and control the Rogers Beach property to the exclusion of all outsiders – you know, the riff-raff of Hollis:

Hollis $150,000 payment to Beaver Brook Assoc

(click to embiggen)

What was the HCC to get for their money? Nothing. Zero. Nada.

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Lori Radke <administration@hollisnh.org>
Date: Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 9:51 AM
Subject: RE: RTK Request Acknowledgement letter
To: David Werner <davidw@wernerllp.com>

Mr. Werner—

The document that you request, executory interest,  does not exist.

Attached is the check for $150,000 from the Town of Hollis to Beaver Brook.


And the Hollis Conservation Comittee Members that “dealt this deal”:

Hollis Conservation Board members

The parties came up with a cover story to make the deal look legit. The minutes of the HCC reveals the following: for its 155,000 the HCC would get an “ executory interest” in some unrelated property that Beaver Brook obtained as a gift from the same Rogers family. What is an executory interest”? Who the hell knows but guess what- it was all for show. No executory interest was ever given.

Kat McGhee, once the money was paid, got her private pond. Several citizens report that she and the HOA have hired a private cop who is very aggressive in keeping everyone off the lake. No fishing. No boating. No swimming. Sure the citizens of Hollis paid 150,000 for Kat Mcghees’ private pond but if they try to enjoy it, her cop goes into attack mode and uses fear and intimidation to clear them out.

Aren’t you tired of the wealthy elite destroying our land?  Let’s start in Hollis. Kat McGhee should resign and return to the citizens of Hollis our pond.

We already paid for it.


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