Kat McGhee: Votes Against Everything In Hollis – Won’t Even Let Kids Sell Lemonade

California Refugee

Democrats nationally and regionally have consistently voted for more government control, leaving less control by individuals over their own lives. Here in NH, Democrats have a well-documented history of repeatedly and consistently voting:

Against parents’ control of their own children
• For policies that raise the cost of electricity and power in general
• For higher taxes
• For taxpayer-funded abortions up to and even after birth
• Against the second amendment right to have firearms to defend one’s family
• Against low and middle-income families choosing the education option for their children
• Against protections to ensure only NH residents vote in NH

And we have one here in Hollis. Here are some Bad votes by Kat McGhee (D-Hollis)

Parental Control

• voted AGAINST establishing the parental bill of rights (2022 HB1431, 2022 HB1431)
• voted AGAINST giving parents more information about students‘ assessments (2021 HB194)
• voted AGAINST parental choice regarding face masks (2022 HB1131)
• voted AGAINST parental choice regarding intrusive surveys (2022 HB1639)
• voted FOR restricting parental choice in determining the best educational opportunity for their children (2021 HB251)
• voted FOR subjecting students to intrusive surveys without the knowledge of parents (2019 SB196)


• voted AGAINST education choice (2021 CACR3, 2021 HB278, 2021 HB282, 2021 HB388, 2021 HB609, 2022 HB1132, 2022 HB1298)
• voted AGAINST letting parents sue if their child’s school neglects to protect students from bullying (2021 HB140)
• voted AGAINST requiring students to pass a civics test (2021 HB319, 2021 HB320)
• voted FOR repealing the education freedom account program. (2022 HB1683)
• voted FOR restricting education choice (2022 HB1120, 2022 HB1516, 2022 HB1684)

Cost of Living

• voted AGAINST prohibiting a sales tax (2021 CACR2)
• voted AGAINST prohibiting an income tax (2019 CACR12, 2021 CACR1)
• voted AGAINST reducing costs of energy (2021 HB373, 2022 HR17)
• voted AGAINST reducing electric rates (2019 HB477)
• voted AGAINST reducing electric rates by allowing more use of methane as a fuel (2019 HB157)
• voted AGAINST reducing the cost of electricity (2021 HB614)
• voted AGAINST reducing the interest & dividends tax (2019 HB185)
• voted AGAINST requiring a super-majority vote to override a property tax cap (2021 SB52)
• voted FOR creating a new tax on capital gains (2019 HB686)
• voted FOR creating an additional tax on room rentals (2019 HB641)
• voted FOR creating an income tax with rates set by an unelected bureaucrat (2019 HB712, 2019 SB1, 2020 HB712)
• voted FOR creating an income tax, and new taxes on capital gains, vaping, and sports betting; increasing business taxes (2019 HB2, 2019 HB2)
• voted FOR doubling and tripling various fees (2019 HB682)
• voted FOR higher electric rates (2020 SB124)
• voted FOR higher electric rates for most users (2019 SB165)
• voted FOR higher electricity costs (2019 SB72)
• voted FOR higher property taxes for most owners (2021 SB102)
• voted FOR increasing electricity costs by at least $30 million per year (2019 SB168)
• voted FOR increasing residential electric bills (2020 SB122)
• voted FOR increasing the cost of electricity (2019 HB715)
• voted FOR making it easier for municipalities to raise taxes (2022 HB1342)
• voted FOR raising taxes on small businesses (2019 HB623)
• voted FOR requiring state taxpayers to make up for poor investments by the Retirement Board (2022 HB1417, 2022 HB1417, 2022 HB1417, 2022 HB1417)

Election Integrity

• voted AGAINST ensuring that absentee ballots are not sent to unregistered persons (2022 HB1153)
• voted AGAINST ensuring that drivers’ licenses cannot be used by non-citizens to vote (2019 HB471)
• voted AGAINST improving the procedures for ongoing verification of the voter checklists (2021 HB285)
• voted AGAINST requesting absentee voters to verify their identity (2021 HB292)
• voted AGAINST requiring a person who registers to vote without any identification to have his or her photo taken (2021 HB523)
• voted AGAINST requiring that voters without valid photo id must provide documentation within 7 days (2022 SB418, 2022 SB418)
• voted FOR making it easier for illegal aliens to get a driver’s license (2019 HB397)
• voted FOR making it easier for non-citizens to vote (2020 HB1700)
• voted FOR making it easier for non-residents to vote in NH (2019 SB67)
• voted FOR making it easier for nonresident aliens to vote illegally (2022 HB1093)
• voted FOR making it easier for out-of-staters to vote in NH (2019 HB105, 2019 HB106)
• voted FOR making voter fraud easier by allowing anyone to vote absentee (2019 HB611)

Constitutional Rights

• voted AGAINST giving the legislature a role in declaring emergencies (2022 HB275)
• voted AGAINST prohibiting the state from mandating businesses to require vaccinations (2022 HB1495)
• voted AGAINST property rights (2021 HB402, 2022 HB414)
• voted AGAINST protecting constitutional rights during a state of emergency (2021 HB440)
• voted AGAINST protecting religious liberty during a state of emergency y (2021 HB542, 2021 HB542)
• voted AGAINST repealing a law that prohibits free speech on public property near abortion clinics (2019 HB124, 2022 HB1625, 2022 HB1625)
• voted AGAINST rights of conscience (2021 HB63)
• voted AGAINST rights of conscience for medical professionals (2022 HB1080)
• voted AGAINST rights of conscience regarding vaccination mandates (2022 HB1210, 2022 HB1379, 2022 HB1455, 2022 HB1490, 2022 HB1604)
• voted AGAINST self-defense (2019 HB208)
• voted AGAINST the right of self-defense (2021 HB197)
• voted AGAINST the right to keep and bear arms (2021 CACR8, 2021 HB195, 2021 HB196, 2021 HB307, 2021 HB334, 2021 HB334, 2021 SB141, 2021 SB141, 2021 SB154, 2022 HB1178, 2022 HB1636)
• voted FOR confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens without any due process (2019 HB696, 2019 HB696, 2020 HB1660, 2020 HB687)
• voted FOR protecting criminals by disarming law-abiding citizens on school property (2019 HB564, 2019 HB564)
• voted FOR requiring law-abiding citizens, but not criminals, to endure a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm (2019 HB514)
• voted FOR requiring law-abiding citizens, but not criminals, to undergo a background check for any transfer of firearms (2019 HB109, 2020 HB1379, 2022 HB1668)
• voted FOR requiring law-abiding citizens, but not criminals, to wait 3 days before obtaining a firearm (2020 HB1101)
• voted FOR restricting property rights (2021 HB177, 2021 HB177)
• voted FOR restricting the right to keep and bear arms (2022 HB1096, 2022 HB1151)

Right to Life

• voted AGAINST collecting abortion statistics (2019 HB158)
• voted AGAINST prohibiting abortions after 24 weeks (2021 HB625, 2021 HB625)
• voted FOR weakening the right to life (2022 HB1609)


• voted AGAINST allowing schools to display “In God We Trust” and “Live Free or Die” (2021 HB69)
voted AGAINST exempting kids’ lemonade stands from licensing requirements (2021 HB183)
• voted AGAINST repealing the mandate that schools provide menstrual products (2021 HB458)
• voted AGAINST right to join or not join a union (2021 SB61)
• voted FOR allowing towns to ban plastic bags (2020 HB102)


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