Is Elon Musk the Left’s New Trump?

Steve MacDonald

An essential feature of the Left’s endless war on Donald Trump is that they did it. The relentless smearing of the President, the man, his associates, and his family. Why? He represented a significant threat to their grasp of power. No matter who or what. They’ll use the government to ruin you.

Trump fought back and still does. He has the will and resources. But the Feds are spending your money, and if you failed to notice, there is no end to the pot, and they’ve no issue wasting trillions on progressive whimsy.

That’s the what and why of 87,000 new IRS agents. Apply pressure to get everyone in line. You make a few high-profile examples, and the rest lay down.

So, is it Elon’s turn?

The war on Trump has not worked as planned ever, and they need someone to isolate and target.

Musk’s acquisition of Twitter has been a love-hate thing for progs. He wanted it, and they cried foul. He walked away, and some of them demanded he stick with the deal. But when Elon comes back and takes over, it’s the world’s end. How dare he say he will protect free speech in this public square?

The Left hates free speech, and, oh, by the way, Tesla is under investigation.

As Reuters reported exclusively earlier this week, multiple insider sources revealed the Department of Justice has been conducting a previously undisclosed investigation into Tesla and Musk’s repeated misleading and false claims regarding their Autopilot system capabilities since last year. The DOJ’s criminal probe reportedly centers on more than a dozen accidents, some of them fatal, involving Teslas that occurred while the EVs were engaged in Autopilot mode.

I’m sure they have been “investigating this for a while.” It’s a Stasi-like feature of modern US “justice.” Copious files. Laws are so complex that anyone can be charged with something when needed or – not charged if they are the right sort of person.

Lawfare on demand.

We should expect that trend to continue—death by a thousand cuts. Wear away at the edges. There may even be a Musk dossier out there waiting to come to light.

I doubt Musk cares, and like Trump, he may enjoy the attention and the opportunity. These are men who thrive on adversity or challenge. It gets them focused. So it will be an exciting ride.

And for the record, I’m not a fan of the idea of automated self-driving vehicles. If the allegations are correct, then it makes sense to correct the record. But this task has been undertaken by a partisan DoJ that gets its marching orders from the political Left. It serves their priorities. And it and they are as or more guilty of “repeated misleading and false claims” than any entity in modern existence.

If anyone is guilty of misleading people, it’s the government and the political Left. They can’t tell the truth, or they’d never win an election, but for the ideological ghettoes in places like San Francisco, Berkeley, Cambridge, and the like.

So, they lie.

Maybe Muk will make time to point that out. It’s not like he doesn’t have a platform for that.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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