Illegal Border Crossings Surge … In Vermont!

Steve MacDonald

If you have not seen this, here’s a quick share in serving two ends. First, hey, look at this! There is an alleged ring of human traffickers moving people into the US across the Canada-Vermont border. The second is, hey – can we crowd-source this to see if any of them entered through New Hampshire?

I’m seriously strapped for time. Someone sent me this, and I don’t have time to dig into it, but I want to share it, so here are the basics.


In recent weeks, hundreds of illegal aliens have been caught entering Border Patrol’s Swanton Sector, which covers the entire state of Vermont, as well as New Hampshire and part of New York.

More than 1,000 illegals were apprehended in Swanton Sector during Fiscal Year 2022.

However, that number could triple this fiscal year, which began on October 1.

“Upward Trend Continues: 25 days into October & Swanton Sector #BorderPatrol has encountered nearly 25% of the 1,065 total encounters for Fiscal Year 2022,” Swanton Sector Acting Chief Patrol Agent Keith Hoops wrote on social media on Wednesday.



I can see why they’d choose Vermont. Burlington is a sanctuary city, and it is against the law to prosecute sex work (prostitution). Nothing like that in New Hampshire. But we have a border, and where there’s a border, people will try to cross it (illegally), especially under the current DC regime.

Any new details are appreciated. You can email them to me.

We’ll do a follow-up if there’s new intel.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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