Are readers hoping prices will be rising on heating fuel, gas, and electricity? Are they in favor of shortages, higher rents, and interest rates? Then vote for all the incumbents that have made lives more difficult, and more expensive and they will enjoy more of the same coming along as soon as these career politicians are returned to their cushy jobs of rubber stamping higher taxes, more regulations, and less freedom of choices.
Like most, my standard of living has gone down. Had a delivery of heating fuel today and the cost was over $1,000, almost twice what it has been in years past and about 80% of my SSA monthly check — that hurts. My daughter lost her apartment because her rent went up by $700, and renters know this is now the norm. Inflation hurts everyone and the establishment has no motivation to change. They expect you to go along as you always have and return them to office.
On the other hand, we could decide to take a chance on replacing these career politicians with some new blood. I’m talking about candidates who are not part of the establishment, which says they are reasonable and responsible but are the very ones who have voted for every failed policy and irresponsible economic disaster that has been visited on our lives and that of our neighbors. Believe in all the empty promises they make now just like all the others they promised before, but before, consider if you want more of what they have already given or do you want change?