Did I Nail It Or What? Democrat PAC Citizens for Belknap DID Nominate Lisa DiMartino for NH House

by Skip

And you CAN drop that “non-” in front of “partisan” – no one is believing you.  It’s a “revenge” PAC that is loaded up several different ways as I’ve been saying for months with some Republicans (using the “Doug Lambert unnamed” tactic here as he’s been using for a few months at the Belknap County Republican Committee meeting until he melds his “the boney finger” routine” and makes it clear who he is attacking.

Sidenote: see, I do remember his schtick from 15 years ago and the more he talks, the more I remember. And he used to say “the boney finger” all the time.

Now, disregarding “single candidate” races (like Bill Wright for Sherrif, Glen Waring for County Commissioner), this Democrat founded, funded, strategized, and partisan ONLY worked to defeat Republicans in the Primary. What, there were NO Extremist Democrats in Primaries for them to clobber? Nay, not a one according to Citizens for Belknap.  I found that “interesting”, especially given the voting record of Lisa DiMartino (D-Gilford) trying to get back in the NH House. She’s just like the CfB – saying she’s moderate but examine the record if you are a Republican – it’s not even close to “moderate”.  And that’s what the CfB has marketed itself as “Reasonable, Responsible” even as the person guiding it, Brian Beihl, is a far Left Progressive.  Even in the Democrat Party, that isn’t considered moderate.  But I digress – but I did call it right with DiMartino:

CfB NOV 8 2022 Voters Guide


So, what’s the tally? They are endorsing 17 Democrats, 1 Independent, and 10 Republicans.

Three of those endorsed Republicans, all took union money, are part of the Lang Gang (Trottier, Bordes, O’Hara and were in opposition with the more Conservative Republicans in the Belknap County Delegation).I dryly note that Rich Littlefield, whom I would consider more moderate and voted “with” the Gunstock crowd, got X’d out just like Gregg Hough did in the Primary.  The Conservative Republicans (Comtois, Terry, Varney, McCarter, Ploszaj, Johnson) that made it through their Primaries are, once again, targeted for defeat.

This is in line with the typical Democrat outlook – ANY Conservative hewing to Constitutional values are EXTREMISTS!!!  It’s the new name for the old “TEA Partiers” and I can’t tell you how many Republicans were called TEA Partiers that I, a co-founding member of the NH TEA Party Coalition (TEA Standing for Taxed Enough Already) would NEVER have graced certain Republicans so labeled by Democrats as such.  So, too, now with Extremists but “marketing”.

I AM surprised that E. Scott Cracraft (D-Gilford) got X’d out. 8 Republicans (7 Conservatives) were X’d out. Parity? Not so much.

If this holds, the lock by Republicans on the Belknap County Delegation will be broken for the first time since I’ve lived here (37 years – but dontcha know I’m a “Free Stater” even though Jason Sorens was still in elementary school at that time – thanks Rusty McLear!). That also means that it will be a Delegation that will raise out county level taxes (Government over taxpayers!) and may turn the House majority to the Democrats.

Republicans got outmaneuvered, outspent, and outorganized during this political Black Swan event.

Gary Kiedaisch is happy.

And now CfB is moving its influence to areas outside of Belknap County.  Let’s see if the NH GOP will learn a lesson. Stepanek had better start staying home instead of Florida.

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