And she certainly is! I started off here (“So Cindy Creteau-Miller gets blindsided, Survivor style, by Citizens for Belknap; WHAT did she expect from a Democrat PAC???”). The problem that many have is her use of the word “saving” (from a political “put up” that was manufactured from the start:
..As a matter of fact, I don’t agree with Citizens for Belknap County for November election. They succeeded in Saving Gunstock during the Primary by eliminating 10 delegates there were against the GAC, they now need to move and stay out if [sic] the general election.
And that was the intent in “saving” – for those that hated the idea that new Commissioners were being appointed that were actually doing their JOBS in asking uncomfortable and penetrating questions as to what was going on with Gunstock Area Resort AND the Commissioners at that time. The latter were “saved” by not having indelicate answer having to be found. Silly lady, though, thinking that was their only purpose. I dryly note that Gary-Kiedaisch-squired Creteau-Miller STILL didn’t understand that wasn’t the only “object of desire” that was point of all this but her Democrat opposition in Meredith come November 8th basically told her off.
However, as hackneyed infomercials are wont to say “Wait! There’s MORE!”.
So, she’s calling fellow Republicans by the same epithet that Democrats call almost EVERY solid Republican: Free Stater? Heck, I’VE been called that (thanks, Rusty McLear) and I’ve lived here in NH for almost 40 years – decades before Jason Sorens had his Free State Project idea. You really don’t endear yourself to those on the Right that can be of help when you are seen as being on “the other side” with the name calling (and, to repeat myself, being former GAC Commissioner “squired” to the “party” called the “GAC put up”). It’s clear that you didn’t read the room as well as you could read snow conditions as a skier. Heck, even NH State Rep John Mackie called you out…
The vast majority of Republicans serving in the House are A-rated. There are no D-rated Republicans and she is the only “Republican” candidate this year with a D rating. The majority of Republicans in the House are also pro-life. So why did Meredith Republicans make her the top vote-getter by 31 votes in the primary, 555 to 531 to 524?
They did not. Over 400 independents picked up Republican ballots for this primary. Not all of these were Republican-leaning independents. The Democrat-led Citizens for Belknap PAC spent about $5,000 on ads in The Laconia Daily Sun with their voter guide and other advertising and urged independents to pick up Republican primary ballots to defeat the “extremists” who were under-funding county services and destroying Gunstock.
Since neither Jeanne Tofts nor Lisa Smart were incumbents, they certainly weren’t part of that “extremist” group. Then what was their plan? In Meredith, they supported the one Republican whose views on abortion and gun control are the same as the Democrats. It was a clever strategy. Knowing that Democrats are unlikely to win a House seat in Meredith, why not urge left-leaning independents to pick up a Republican ballot and vote for a Republican who will vote like a Democrat? What can Republicans in Meredith do now? Definitely plan to vote for Lisa Smart in November and hope there is a conservative Republican willing to mount an aggressive write-in campaign to defeat the Democrats and Cindy Creteau-Miller.
and then you lost control online:
Oh, and let me throw this in here, too. Ms. Creteau-Miller, one doesn’t have to be a member of the NRA to get a candidate rating. They email you with a link (is my understanding having never done it myself), you click on the link, you fill out their survey, and the NRA-IL computes your score. Hardly ANY Republican gets such a low score as you received:
And your stance on abortion by your own words (“…the Government has no business telling a woman or anyone what to do with their bodies and personal healthcare…”). Hmm, I hear that mostly from Democrats – prove me wrong.
And as far as being called “Extremists”, go ahead, write an Op-Ed defining what an Extremist is from the Democrat point of view since you have sided with that Democrat founded, funded, and stratigized Citizens for Belknap PAC. Just don’t cheat – this is not an open book test and you can’t call a friend. I’ll put it up “as is”. I agree with Mandy Patinkin once said: “You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means”
Like this?
I’ve got more examples of what Democrats say is “Extremism”. Shall I introduce you to those concepts as well? HAPPY to do so, Cindy Creteau-Miller!
I’ll add this – do you even know what the Free State Project really is? No, not the pablum you’ve been fed thus far from the Democrat CfB and its aligned Republicans. BOTH groups see them as existential threats politically – but do you even have a clue as to WHY? Have you actually done your research, your homework? Or just swallowed whole the superficial talking points to be hurled like spears in order to “Otherize” them?
Also, add “non-partisan” to the list of “You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means” – does this hold true for your definition?
Used, not stirred. Perhaps needs a political shaking (plaigerized, paraphrased from James Bond).