Voting for Me Is Your Most Immediate Opportunity to Stand for Medical Freedom

Voting for me is your most immediate opportunity to stand for medical freedom. I have publicly and politically stood for vaccination choice since 2018
when I ran for State Representative as a Democrat.

Then I took what may prove to be one of the most politically unpopular but formative and integrous actions of my political life. I opposed the amended version of the 2021 HB 220 on the grounds that the Republicans were paving the way for vulnerable populations to be vaccinated against their will. The bill was passed nearly unanimously by Republicans, and since my public rebuke of their action, I have worn the scarlet letter. I am a Republican, but I can feel the ostracizement.

Months ago, I received a congressional district questionnaire from the RNC, and as I recall, there was no explicit option to state that one of my greatest concerns has been the medical tyranny and the destructive experimental mask, vaccine, and standard of care mandates.

The truth is that most of the politicians, and certainly the money and power around them, want us to accept we are beyond the point of decision-making with regard to medical freedom. They would like us to accept the new status quo and accept our lives, and those of our progeny will now be dependent on the pharmaceutical industry and the rapidly forming technocracy.

The Covid scenario, including the masks, vaccines, isolation, pushed pharmaceuticals, etc were destructive to human life. The Covid Counter measures were unethical and violated established law and custom.

My religious scripture says, “Think with a simple heart.” My heart says we were injured, and there must be peaceful justice for these crimes.

I once read that only a hero stands alone, but I am no hero because I know you will stand with me!


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