The Names of All 153 Democrats Who Voted to Keep the NH Secession “Bill” Alive

Steve MacDonald

The New Hampshire Democrat Party and your local “elected” party members have been scaremongering voters about radical libertarian free-staters and CACR32 – a bill to peaceably secede from the United States. And it would have died a quicker death if 153 NH Democrats had not supported it.

The bill came out of committee with a 21-0 bipartisan vote to kill it. The Republican majority Legislature was prepared to take that recommendation and table it (which would kill it), but 153 Democrats voted to keep it alive.

Republicans wanted to immediately dump the bill onto the consent calendar, effectively killing it. But they couldn’t, because Democrats objected.

On Thursday, in session back in Representative’s Hall for the first time since the COVID pandemic struck, Republicans voted nearly unanimously to table the bill, essentially killing it (again) without a debate.

153 Democrats and only 17 Republicans are why it wasn’t relegated to the consent calendar to die despite NH Democrats appearing to be triggered over its very existence.

Political Theater

Local Dems in your district that crying wolf about “Free Staters” and crazy Republican secession talk may be the reason why CACR32 didn’t die an early death.  But if we’re going to be taking shots or making political hay based on CACR32 and who “supported” it, we should be as fair about that as we can.

Here are the names of the 153 Democrats who voted to save CACR32. If they bring it up to attack Republicans, feel free to share this with them in return.


Rep Party County
Abbott, Michael Democrat Cheshire
Abel, Richard Democrat Grafton
Adjutant, Joshua Democrat Grafton
Alicea, Caroletta Democrat Merrimack
Almy, Susan Democrat Grafton
Altschiller, Debra Democrat Rockingham
Ames, Richard Democrat Cheshire
Baroody, Benjamin Democrat Hillsborough
Bartlett, Christy Democrat Merrimack
Beaulieu, Jane Democrat Hillsborough
Bergeron, Paul Democrat Hillsborough
Bixby, Peter Democrat Strafford
Booras, Efstathia Democrat Hillsborough
Bouchard, Donald Democrat Hillsborough
Bouldin, Amanda Democrat Hillsborough
Bouldin, Andrew Democrat Hillsborough
Bradley, Amy Democrat Hillsborough
Burroughs, Anita Democrat Carroll
Cahill, Michael Democrat Rockingham
Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Democrat Rockingham
Cannon, Gerri Democrat Strafford
Caplan, Tony Democrat Merrimack
Chase, Wendy Democrat Strafford
Cloutier, John Democrat Sullivan
Conley, Casey Democrat Strafford
Connors, Erika Democrat Hillsborough
Cornell, Patricia Democrat Hillsborough
DiLorenzo, Charlotte Democrat Rockingham
DiSilvestro, Linda Democrat Hillsborough
Dutzy, Sherry Democrat Hillsborough
Eaton, Daniel Democrat Cheshire
Ebel, Karen Democrat Merrimack
Edgar, Michael Democrat Rockingham
Ellison, Arthur Democrat Merrimack
Espitia, Manny Democrat Hillsborough
Fargo, Kristina Democrat Strafford
Faulkner, Barry Democrat Cheshire
Fellows, Sallie Democrat Grafton
Fenton, Donovan Democrat Cheshire
Fox, Dru Democrat Cheshire
Freitas, Mary Democrat Hillsborough
Frost, Sherry Democrat Strafford
Gallager, Eric Democrat Merrimack
Gilman, Julie Democrat Rockingham
Goley, Jeffrey Democrat Hillsborough
Gomarlo, Jennie Democrat Cheshire
Gottling, Suzanne Democrat Sullivan
Grassie, Chuck Democrat Strafford
Griffith, Willis Democrat Hillsborough
Grossman, Gaby Democrat Rockingham
Grote, Jaci Democrat Rockingham
Hakken-Phillips, Mary Democrat Grafton
Hall, Muriel Democrat Merrimack
Hamblet, Joan Democrat Rockingham
Hamer, Heidi Democrat Hillsborough
Harriott-Gathright, Linda Democrat Hillsborough
Harvey, Cathryn Democrat Cheshire
Heath, Mary Democrat Hillsborough
Herbert, Christopher Democrat Hillsborough
Horrigan, Timothy Democrat Strafford
Jack, Martin Democrat Hillsborough
Kelley, Eamon Democrat Coos
King, Mark Democrat Hillsborough
Klee, Patricia Democrat Hillsborough
Klein-Knight, Nicole Democrat Hillsborough
Knirk, Jerry Democrat Carroll
Labranche, Tony Independent Hillsborough
Laflamme, Larry Democrat Coos
Lane, Connie Democrat Merrimack
Langley, Diane Democrat Hillsborough
Laughton, Stacie-Marie Democrat Hillsborough
Leishman, Peter Democrat Hillsborough
Levesque, Cassandra Democrat Strafford
Long, Patrick Democrat Hillsborough
Loughman, Tom Democrat Rockingham
Luneau, David Democrat Merrimack
MacKay, James Democrat Merrimack
Malloy, Dennis Democrat Rockingham
Maneval, Andrew Democrat Cheshire
Mangipudi, Latha Democrat Hillsborough
Mann, John Democrat Cheshire
Marsh, William Democrat Carroll
McAleer, Chris Democrat Carroll
McGhee, Kat Democrat Hillsborough
McWilliams, Rebecca Democrat Merrimack
Merchant, Gary Democrat Sullivan
Meuse, David Democrat Rockingham
Muirhead, Russell Democrat Grafton
Mullen, Sue Democrat Hillsborough
Murphy, James Democrat Grafton
Murray, Kate Democrat Rockingham
Murray, Megan Democrat Hillsborough
Newman, Ray Democrat Hillsborough
Newman, Sue Democrat Hillsborough
Nordgren, Sharon Democrat Grafton
Nutter-Upham, Frances Democrat Hillsborough
Nutting-Wong, Allison Democrat Hillsborough
O’Brien, Michael Democrat Hillsborough
O’Hearne, Andrew Democrat Sullivan
Oxaal, Ariel Democrat Strafford
Paige, Mark Democrat Rockingham
Parshall, Lucius Democrat Cheshire
Pedersen, Michael Democrat Hillsborough
Petrigno, Peter Democrat Hillsborough
Pimentel, Roderick Democrat Merrimack
Porter, Marjorie Democrat Hillsborough
Query, Joshua Democrat Hillsborough
Read, Ellen Democrat Rockingham
Rich, Cecilia Democrat Strafford
Richards, Beth Democrat Merrimack
Rogers, Katherine Democrat Merrimack
Rombeau, Catherine Democrat Hillsborough
Rung, Rosemarie Democrat Hillsborough
Salloway, Jeffrey Democrat Strafford
Schamberg, Thomas Democrat Merrimack
Schapiro, Joe Democrat Cheshire
Schmidt, Janice Democrat Hillsborough
Schuett, Dianne Democrat Merrimack
Schultz, Kristina Democrat Merrimack
Shurtleff, Steve Democrat Merrimack
Simpson, Alexis Democrat Rockingham
Smith, Marjorie Democrat Strafford
Smith, Suzanne Democrat Grafton
Smith, Timothy Democrat Hillsborough
Snow, Kendall Democrat Hillsborough
Sofikitis, Catherine Democrat Hillsborough
Somssich, Peter Democrat Rockingham
Soucy, Timothy Democrat Merrimack
Stavis, Laurel Democrat Grafton
Stevens, Deb Democrat Hillsborough
Sullivan, Brian Democrat Sullivan
Sykes, George Democrat Grafton
Tanner, Linda Democrat Sullivan
Telerski, Laura Democrat Hillsborough
Toll, Amanda Elizabeth Democrat Cheshire
Toomey, Dan Democrat Hillsborough
Treleaven, Susan Democrat Strafford
Tucker, Edith Democrat Coos
Vail, Suzanne Democrat Hillsborough
Van Houten, Constance Democrat Hillsborough
Vann, Ivy Democrat Hillsborough
Veilleux, Daniel Democrat Hillsborough
Von Plinsky, Sparky Democrat Cheshire
Wall, Janet Democrat Strafford
Wallner, Mary Jane Democrat Merrimack
Ward, Gerald Democrat Rockingham
Wazir, Safiya Democrat Merrimack
Weber, Lucy Democrat Cheshire
Welkowitz, Lawrence Democrat Cheshire
Weston, Joyce Democrat Grafton
Wilhelm, Matthew Democrat Hillsborough
Woodcock, Stephen Democrat Carroll
Woods, Gary Democrat Merrimack


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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