The Evil of Transgenderism

Since the Dobbs decision began the restoration of federalism by holding “EACH STATE” shall decide its right to life (abortion) policy, the most important social issue confronting our society is the aggressive promotion of the evil of transgenderism.

We want to thank Charles Bradley for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

So many in the media, educational and medical establishments, and among our elected public officials are unwilling to speak out against this diabolical perversion of our children.

I well remember the movie “Village of the Damned.” Briefly, a mass psychosis overtakes the children and results in their destruction.

While this movie was science fiction at the time, like so many themes of Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, and Ray Bradbury, the horrors of their stories are currently being visited on the most defenseless among us by those who pretend to be educators, faux Doctors of Philosophy and pseudo-medical professionals who have perverted their Oaths.

Silence in the face of baby murder (abortion up to and after birth) and promotion of childhood transgenderism is complicity. Remember, the innocent fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah were turned to salt when they disobeyed Yahweh’s order.

The first step is to reclaim our English language from the devious among us. Our society has become a Tower of Babel where the natural beauty of the English language has been converted to the perverted: think “ rainbow.”

The second step is to understand and admit the goal of transgenderism is the destruction of the parental relationship with their children and Western Civilization. Transgenderism is a tool of the Demolitioncrats’ “Great Reset.” Its success depends on our silence and intimidation and the support of the “woke elites,” including the media, educators, medical professionals, and especially the Demolitioncrats whose goal is to make us their slaves.

God help our children and grandchildren if we chicken out.



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