BUMPED from Sept 7 and 10, 2022. Thank you, Citizens for Belknap PAC, for making it easier for our readers to see who ALL THE RINOs are in Belknap County. That would have taken me quite a bit of time (not a lot of effort as they’ve already outed themselves in aligning themselves with you – a Democrat-run, guided, and funded Political Action Committee) to replicate in my own fashion. Couldn’t have really done much better, either! Every single one of your endorsed candidates is all in for your brand of politics! And that makes them RINOs.
I dryly note, however, that while you call yourselves “non-partisan” but why are you playing in only Belknap County Republican Primaries? Why is this PAC Chaired by a Democrat, funded with dark money, and only playing in the Republican primary? That kinda says “partisan”, eh?
And if your supporters, or your endorsed candidates, sputter, meltdown, rent their clothes like sackcloth and cast dust into the air to cover their heads, wail, or moan, ask yourselves one question:
Who should I believe – Republicans endorsed by Democrats or GraniteGrok that is merely pointing it all out?
This chart makes it really easy (and we thank CoB for helping GraniteGrok in doing so – you know, just like how Mike Bordes, one of your endorsed candidates, tried to turn my LtE against me in claiming I was endorsing him. Hardly, but since he made this New Rule of Behavior, I just thought I’d adopt them, too!). Each RINO is identified with a purple check mark and the Conservatives are marked with red (you know, as in Red, White, and Blue Patriots??).
So in each race, dear readers (if you live in Belknap County or, like Democrats “from away and not from heah”, just want to come up for a day trip to see all of the lovely ballots starting to turn Red on the trees), just look at this chart. Each and every purple checked are folks aligned with the Democrats – these are the folks to avoid! The only person not following this model is Greg Hough! It seems that NONE of the factions like him much at all (not me, not GraniteGrok, not the Belknap County Republicans, the Democrats in Belknap, and now the Citizens for Belknap Democrat PAC). That takes some real skill in achieving – you were the Democrats’ “useful idiot” and now that you’ve served your purpose, they’re throwing you away.
On average, every candidate they are rejecting has better scores on legislating/voting in accordance with the NH GOP Platform (what it believes in) and in protecting and defending your Constitutional Freedom and Liberties when aggregated (as ascertained by the House Republican Alliance and the NH Liberty Alliance). But heck, what do Democrats care about that silliness (snort!) anyways?
And lest I forget, don’t let me forget the two Republicans who aren’t on the ballot but who have done most the public-facing dirty work for the Citizens of Belknap: Commissioners Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial) and Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice-Chair – an elected Republican within the NH GOP!). They set the stage to make sure that good Conservatives ousted from elected office and paving the way for these RINOs, and sadly, Democrats with their totalitarian ways, to take over. This was the “top prize” plan all along (hey CoB are DEMOCRATS, right?).
Here’s the chart:

This Democrat started, funded, led, and strategized Citizens for Belknap PAC that has roiled Republican politics here in Belknap County since the beginning of the year. I’m so glad that they have let all of us know who their political allies in the Republican Party are.
Just ask yourself:
If they are willing to align themselves with Democrats (and make no mistake, they have for months), what will they do to YOU if they get into office in expressing their Democrat-aligned views?
(H/T: The Laconia Daily Sun, Page 8-9))