Slavery's Reparations - Granite Grok

Slavery’s Reparations

Reparations for Union Soldiers dying to free slaves

One of my favorite subjects that we haven’t heard enough of lately is reparations to be paid to the descendants of American slaves. Steve Mac Donald, here on the Grok, recently brought up the subject (haven’t read it yet). I got so excited that I just jumped at the chance to express my thoughts.

I’ll rush right back to read his post as soon as I send in mine.

First, I think the idea has some practical merit. There have to be eligibility rules in place, such as an ancestor had to have been a slave in America when slavery was actually legal. It would be a set amount per living individual with no retroactive eligibility.

Those applying must agree to legally renounce all future claims against the U.S.A., any State, or individuals in America.

And last but not least, they must legally renounce their and their children’s American Citizenship and immigrate to any other country of their choice and never attempt to return. Their SSA old age payments would remain unchanged, as would any disability, military retirement, or disability rights

I think that would be fair.

Not one living person now in America has had to endure being legally a slave here. So if one’s discontent with this nation is so manifest, I’d expect they would welcome the chance to immigrate to someplace away from here. It would be kind of like a divorce.

