Karoline Leavitt Lacks the Wisdom of the Aged––I Say, “Thank God!”


Such a pity Karoline Leavitt doesn’t share the life experience and sagacity of our leaders, say the flyers. Such as wise old Chuck Schumer, who gleefully called for violence against two supreme court judges, such a mature mensch! Or super “experienced” Alejandro Mayorkas, who thinks the border is “under control.”

He’s right, the border is under control –– the control of drug cartels, smugglers, human traffickers, and terrorists—just not his control. And then we have Janet Yellen, who’s actually had “experience” in financial issues but somehow believed that spending $1.9 trillion in a heated market would be “anti-inflationary.” And let’s not forget the dim bulb Jennifer Granholm who believes electricity originates from a wall socket and is, as we speak, searching for a magic wand to solve the energy crisis.

Meanwhile, deep down in the Pentagon, Old Mole Milley, with more fruit salad on his uniform than you’ll find in a Delmonte can, uses his “experience” to root out “white supremacists” in the military while recruitment dwindles along with our stockpile of weapons. And who can forget when Blinken-In-The-Headlights sat in stunned silence while Chinese officials ripped into him about racist America and our human rights record?

We want to thank Denis Lipman for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

And last but certainly not least, this winning team is led by the nasty Joe Biden, our Janitor-In-Chief, who is using his 50 years of political and foreign policy “experience” to flush our country down the toilet.

So yes, Karoline Leavitt lacks the “experience” of the aforementioned hacks and I say, thank God for it! Unlike them, she has courage, the refreshing honesty of a straight shooter, and the raw energy of a prize fighter. She’ll be in our corner, fighting for Granite Staters from day one. Vote for Karoline on September 13 and vote for someone who won’t be swayed by the “experience” of aged fools.


  • Op-Ed

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