Bill Maher - Hoisting the Left on Their Own Historical Petard. Again. "Presentism" - Granite Grok

Bill Maher – Hoisting the Left on Their Own Historical Petard. Again. “Presentism”

Bill Maher YouTube

It’s simple as all get out. The linguistic analogy of finding the strand that unravels the entire ball of yarn and pulling it.  And that yarn ball contains their entire moral philosophy in denying our American history – and denying our children their history as well.

He’s a Lefty, to be sure – but every day, he seems to lick that Red Pill just another time for each utterance the Left makes that makes us all go “HUH? (like when Biden said that Republicans “want to put you all back in chains”).

Take a listen:


Liberal comedian Bill Maher roasted the woke concept of “presentism,” where historical figures and events are judged in the prism of the present – further arguing against the oft-claimed leftist position that White people are usually to blame for history’s lesser moments.
Maher said it is “stupid” to think that people from centuries or millennia ago “really should have known better,” remarking that most kids regret a lot of what they did in their youth as humanity regrets much of what it has done in its earlier years.
Maher pushed back on assertions that slavery was basically unique to America, pointing out the root of the term is Slav – adding that Slavic people are not Black.
“Slavery throughout history has been the rule, not the exception,” he went on, adding that human capacity for cruelty is just that – human – and not explicitly White.

Presentism is the Moral Superiority that oozes from the Left that ONLY their viewpoint matters. It’s their Hammer with which anything can (and should) be shattered if it deviates from their claims. It is the practice by the Left’s Wokesters that believe that all of history, and people in that history,  can and SHOULD be viewed from their purple haired eyeballs – and rightly judge those people far from them in time with no context from that history, by their standards of today.  It’s hubris, plain and simple.  Does it ever appear to these Social Justice Nitwits that those historical figures would stare at them and finally tell you all the equivalent that you’re off your rockers (I’m being nice here) to think that men can get pregnant – or is it the fact they might just punch you out instead of saying anything similar (“You’re ALL RACIST HOMOPHOBES, XENOPHOBES, and MISOGYNISTS” just might get you that)?

(H/T: RedState)
