2022: New Hampshire is Still the Safest State in the Nation

Does anyone get tired of hearing this? The Democrats might. Despite being a Constitutional Carry state, with a series of recent laws favoring the right to self-defense and where you can legally carry, New Hampshire is again being recognized as the safest state in the US.

Who named us this time?


“TOP Data has identified the safest states in America by comparing all 50 states across 37 relevant metrics distributed in 6 key dimensions (Personal Safety, Public Safety, Financial Safety, Mental Health, Transportation and Infrastructure and Public Security).”


Homesnacks, Nerdwallet, some whose names escape me, and Top Data have all named the GraniteState the safest over the years. A distinction we enjoy despite being the gunslinging wild west destined for blood in the streets every time Republicans pass a gun bill and Governor Sununu signs it. But the only thing “in the streets” is the rising number of homeless in Democrat-run cities like Manchester, which accounts for a large slice of the violent crime pie in our state.

For the interactive map, go here.

Top Data Safest states map


The criteria are always interesting, and this one is no different. Actual violent crime is always a consideration, but how about the risk of a mass shooting, credit card fraud, road conditions, or the number of mental health facilities?


The location has a huge impact on people’s safety due to the unique conditions surrounding it, such as the condition of the roads, the likelihood of a mass shooting occurring, or the financial security offered.


New Hampshire continues to reign supreme whatever the formula, but what about Vermont? I like to compare them because Vermont is very blue, sliding down the slippery slope into a full-blown East coast California (without the warm weather or the beaches). A state with a long history of supporting a right to self-defense that has come under assault in recent years.

Bits of Vermont have embraced the defund movement, illegal alien voting (in local elections), more spending (and waste), with a rise in homelessness and street violence. All things that follow in the wake of prolonged one-party Democrat rule.

TOP Data ranked them fifth, and they seem proud of that, but it is another year and another decline.

In 2020 Homesnacks ranked them number four down from number two in 2019, and the problem is Burlington. Its declining public safety situation is pulling the entire state down.

Not long ago (2017), Vermont and Maine were neck and neck with New Hampshire, but the only real difference since then is the people left in charge of public safety. Elected politicians. Vermont and Main have been electing Democrats, while New Hampshire’s state officials are majority Republican. With more than a few of them being actual Republicans.

Vermont is swirling the Blue Bowl in part because their Republican governor is more like a Democrat than a Republican. And Maine appears headed that way, though it is not nearly as far down the same road.

They are a lesson for New Hampshire. We see states not so dissimilar a few years ago making mistakes and what happens to the things we take for granted, like public safety. If you put too much of it into the hands of people who insist they are better at managing it, it is one of the first things to go downhill.

If you need more examples, look at any Democrat-run city in the US *Chicago, Baltimore, DC, or even progressive rule in the UK. London banned guns, and now its knives. At some point, you run out of things to blame, and bigger people just beat the crap out of little people who can do nothing but take it until the police show up to take notes and speculate about the means of their demise.

I don’t know about you, but my idea of public safety is my family alive while I answer questions at my kitchen table about the criminal lying motionless with a sheet pulled over their head.



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