I almost saw an attractive young woman in the grocery store today. She was wearing a “mask,” and I think that says it all, but she was also a mom of two young children, both of whom were wearing masks.
I just gonna spitball and guess they all got The Jab™, and that’s sad.
Vitamins and some basic hygiene would be more than enough protection for most, and if they caught the man-made disaster known in diminishing circles as the Wuhan Flu, their odds of survival with no treatment are about 100% because it’s “that” dangerous.
But there she was, and maybe she had the ugliest mouth in Amherst, which seemed likely – and I do not mean physical appearance. If you are masking your kids in late August of 2022, the words likely to emerge from your masked or unmasked Paxlovid hole on any topic, not just the Rona, are probably toxic to everyone around you.
And then there’s the juice.
We’ve written hundreds of posts, many if not all linked to experts in epidemiology, medicine, science, history, and common sense, that tell us masking doesn’t work and likely makes matters worse. It can do more harm than good, as is the case with the “approved” treatments like the mRNA vaccines, Paxlovid, or Remdesivr.
The best case scenario for that rouges gallery of Public Health “medicinals” is that they do no harm, but there is so much more potential for lasting harm from something worse. This young mother’s devotion to the government’s approved position is being passed down culturally to her children. The single biggest threat after the Jabs (if they got them) and the masking. It will likely end badly for her or her family somewhere down the road if she is not turned from the Dark side and soon.
And that got me thinking.
We knew the non-pharmaceutical interventions were BS as early as April of 2020. The threat posed by the virus, likewise, was clearly minuscule within a few weeks. The real threat was the response and, in parallel, the pressure to conform to it. That pressure continues, and in its wake, I have seen a number of pieces (one example) across the fruited digital plain remarking on the courage of those who stood and still stand against public health tyranny.
Banned from their families’ tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money … but they didn’t care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation … but they kept going. …
That’s you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand.
You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark.”
There are many iterations of this but with the same theme. Wow, you stood up to one of the fiercest pressure campaigns ever devised, not just locally but globally. From friends and family to employers and even spouses. Relationships were broken, but you stood firm. Way to go!
Not everyone was able to resist, but on a good note, many of those will no longer give further tribute to these false public health gods. And not just because they do not suspect some level of risk that they are now willing to embrace. Many have come to reject the idea that the State, regardless of at what level, is capable of managing the problem (real or imagined).
Not enough of them, certainly, but some. And several treatments have emerged to help them detox from the systemic weakening of their natural immune systems. There is hope for them as well, and we need hope. Without it, we all become the young masked mom normalizing the idea that blocking your airway is better for you than breathing freely.
The latter is true, not the former, and maybe those kids will rebel and toss aside the masks one day.
Or perhaps the mom will encounter a Road to Damascus public health moment as some have. The unexplained sudden death of a healthy friend or loved one. Maybe a trusted acquaintance finds fissures in that bug-eating, can’t charge the EV, COVID Karen’s resolve and works them gently until they crack and crumble away.
Or, perhaps, they just discover through conservation and experience (of other failed government promises) that most if not all of what the super-state wants to do produce results contrary to those advertised.
For many, perhaps millions, that might never happen leaving those who “passed the unimaginable test” (and their unmasked offspring) to take the wheel and work the levers of whatever remains of our society. To do the work that those sickened or weakened by progressive power are unwilling or unable to do.
In other words, the unvaccinated may be the ones who inherit the earth, and if so, how bad would that be? We might not be many, but at least we’ll be free (and probably well armed).