The Elite Ivy League Locks Out Conservative Kids

Jim Betti

General consensus assumes students granted admission to places like Harvard, Yale and Amherst are indoctrinated into “Wokeness”. A Harvard Crimson {Harvard’s student paper} survey has demonstrated this is not the case.

What actually is happening is elite college admissions officers are systematically discriminating against conservative applicants. According to the survey, only 7% of Harvard admissions are conservatives, and they graduate 4%. Progressives constitute 65.6% of Harvard’s admitted class, and Harvard graduates 68.6% progressives.

These elite institutions are among the least diverse places in America, and the process of admission into their utopic club demonstrates systematic discrimination against conservative-leaning kids. They might as well put up a 1950’s Jim Crow or 1970s Apartheid-like sign. No diversity of thought is allowed.

The ramifications of elite conservative admission discrimination are profound. These institutions are the gateways to future American leaders in law, business, and medicine.

Law School

faculty and admission officers mirror the undergraduate progressive bias {Harvard has 1% conservative faculty}, but since they are selecting from an applicant pool of elite college progressive graduates, the effect is to concentrate the classes with even more “Woke “narrow-minded progressives. Having never been exposed to diversity of thought, they believe there is only one way to think. Their arrogance is astounding.

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Over 100 Yale law students shut down a bipartisan “free speech event” without consequence. Almost the entire Yale Law School student bodyfaculty, and over 1000 Yale Law School graduates protested Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, knowing full well none of the evidence brought forward against Judge Kavanaugh could survive scrutiny, and Kavanaugh was being denied due process. It didn’t matter because these lawyers {and future lawyers} either choose to ignore or no longer believe in due process. Lady Liberty’s “Equal Justice for All” is crumbling as the legal system’s educated elite abandon freedom of speech, equal protections, and due process.

Business School

The same admission phenomenon is occurring at the country’s great business schools. At a recent Stanford Business School graduation, the class speaker led a chorus of” Not yet” as she listed a series of progressive initiatives. The only thing missing during the future Titians of industry enthusiastic response was standing and thrusting their right hand over their head. Critical masses of “Woke” MBAs are now CEOs of major corporations. Instead of looking out for their investors, they have forced their own political views ahead of their investor’s best interests. Larry Fink’s “ESG {Environment Social Governance}” is the best example. Companies are being forced to meet his woke political ideology or not be funded. The head of the SEC {Security and Exchange Commission} is moving in the same direction. Fortunately, a recent SCOTUS decision stopping the administrative state from imposing regulations on the entire nation without voter approval probably will end this blatant power grab.

Medical School

The very same process of self-selecting “Woke progressives” is happening at Medical Schools. Radical DIE {Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity} courses are being mandated for medical students. Administrators of large health organizations are also mandating similar initiatives. During the last several years, there have been attempts to force social justice preferential care {Think Covid vaccination} on the basis of skin color. One big institution memo instructed physicians to dismiss any patient who asked for a change from a black provider. Physicians have sworn an oath to care for the downtrodden of society; child molesters, murderers, lawyers, and rapists will not be turned away, but if somebody might be bigoted, let them die.

One thousand two hundred physicians violated their Hippocratic oath to do no harm, giving their approval for mass BLM demonstrations during the middle of an epidemic. This bizarre decision had nothing to do with their medical training but demonstrates the danger of ingrained elite social justice “Wokeness.”

American physicians are trained to take care of whoever comes through the door regardless of race, gender, or any other factor. It is often the dredges of society, the violent result of poverty/dysfunctional culture, and the people who neglect their own needs who find their way to our emergency rooms. These people are met by medical professionals where they are, without regard to race, gender, or social-economic status.

Is there anything that can be done about the systematic discrimination occurring at our Elite institutions?

South African Apartheid and 1950s Democratic Jim Crow would be jealous at the ability of these elite institutions to systematically discriminate and not be held accountable. Objective data like the Harvard Crimson survey is ignored. When Harvard College representatives were questioned if they believed in diversity of thought, they refused to answer. The Harvard faculty has 1% conservatives. When the faculty was queried whether they would support diversity of thought, only 25% of the faculty answered in the affirmative.

These narrow-minded, intolerant, and not inclusive individuals are so caught up in their fabricated “Woke” world that they are incapable of seeing who they really are. They cannot win a debate in the marketplace of ideas, so one does not happen. And their admission committees make sure this is the case. Ideas they don’t agree with are not allowed to be spoken and are met with censorship and punishment. Graduates take these attitudes to their elite professional schools and, after finishing, try to impose them on the rest of America. Unable to secure their “Woke” agenda through the democratic process of the vote, they use their marketplace power {MBAs, JDs, and MDs} to force their” Woke “progressive socialistic views on America.

The first step in returning America to being “One nation, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All “will happen next year when the SCOTUS overturns Affirmative Action.

When the SCOTUS ruled” Diversity “was an exception to the U.S. Constitution equal protection clause, it allowed universities, employers, and the government to use skin color to elevate a now “privileged” minority group over more qualified citizens. When this loophole is closed, an earthquake will occur. Americans will, for the first time in many decades, have recourse if they are discriminated against because of the color of their skin. The road will be hard, and there will be unrest directly proportional to the amount of time it has taken our nation to reverse SCOTUS’s destructive Affirmative Action mistake.

Any “Woke” deviation from a colorblind {Think Affirmative Action}, gender blind {Think LGBT}, political ideology blind {Think Ivy League conservative bias}and social economically blind decision process create unfair winners and losers; resentment results, ripping society apart.

We have seen what these elite-educated elected officials have done with 20 months of power.

Dividing our nation with the discrimination of equity, energy prices sky high, millions of illegals crossing our open borders with sex traffickers, and youth killing Fentanyl coming across daily. Inflation is ravaging people’s retirement, destroying their futures. The world is on fire, and our great cities have been turned into crime-ridden cesspools. America’s Armed Services have been unable to fill their recruiting quotas due to rampant “Wokeness” in the ranks.

Imagine what would happen over the next 2 1/2 years if these “Woke” elite educated progressives are allowed to continue the carnage. SCOTUS has opened the door but to put the final nail in the elite educated progressive’s coffin requires Americans to stand up and be heard.

It starts in Nov 2022.

Make America Great Again!


James Betti writes at


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