SAU21 (North Hampton, Seabrook, Winnacunnet, etc) Now a Community Divided

Ann Marie Banfield

Parents have been questioning Assistant Superintendent David Hobbs over a decision to hire a leftist political organization to train teachers. Seacoast Outright says that they are there to serve, support, and advocate for LGBTQ+ youth in the seacoast and beyond.

As a far-leftist political organization, they have teamed up with another Marxist political organization, Black Lives Matter. On their website it says, “Seacoast Outright stands in solidarity with Black Lives Matter.”  Under the leadership of Superintendent Meredith Nadeau, the district is going full steam ahead with training led by Seacoast Outright.

As someone who has been involved in the political process for many years, I fully respect political organizations that advocate for their cause. That’s the beauty of this country, we all have a voice at the table. We may disagree on some of our political views, but I will always support and respect those who advocate for their cause.

When it comes to public schools, there is a common belief that this is a place where neutrality is needed. Public schools serve a diverse community with families who have different religious and political views. So when David Hobbs, Assistant Superintendent for SAU21, decided to team up with Seacoast Outright to provide training to teachers, several parents in the community objected. Since I live in the district and pay taxes for these schools, I also lent my voice in opposition.

The political organization could be advocating for any political issue, and I would object. Our schools, children, and teachers should not to be used by any political organization to spread propaganda. But that’s exactly what is happening in September when the training takes place.

It doesn’t matter if it’s LGBTQ, BLM, or a Pro-Choice political organization, none of them should be training public school teachers. If district administrators are going to bring in political organizations, why are they not providing any alternative viewpoints? That’s not inclusion, that’s a political indoctrination.

What happens to a community when partisan politics becomes the focus? The community is then divided.

We saw this after some parents decided to protest this training at Winnacunnet High School. Factions gathered at the school to express their support or opposition. When school administrators take their eyes off of the important task of educating children, and step into the political arena, that’s almost a guarantee that the community will become divided.

How is it inclusive to ignore some of your families when pushing a political agenda on teachers and students?

Is that what we want from the leadership in this school district? To shift focus away from academic excellence to playing partisan politics with our tax dollars? How does that improve the quality of education for children in the school?

There is more to this problem that has erupted in this school district, but one thing we can all see from this decision is, this community is now divided.  Parents aren’t looking for WOKE indoctrination for their children, they are looking for someone to address the 57% of Winnacunnet high school students who DID NOT score proficient in mathematics.

Whether it’s LGBTQ+ , black, brown, Muslim or Christian students, they all deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. Bullying against any child should be handled swiftly. We can all agree that providing a safe environment where there is mutual respect, must be a priority. I stand with all of the children in our district.

Individuals could have been brought in who are not tied to political organizations. Offering teachers information on legal boundaries, medical professionals to discuss medical situations, or mental health providers who can address the need to support students and their families, would have been better received.

Parents of LGBTQ+ children have diverse views on how they want school personnel treating their children. One parent said she didn’t want any part of this because her lesbian daughter did not want to discuss her sexuality with teachers or anyone else in the school. Political organizations do not speak for all of those in that group, and other parents have also made it clear that they don’t want their teachers in the middle of a political battle that has erupted.

When enrollment declines, and parents demand school choice options for their children, don’t be surprised. A divided community that leaves some parents wanting a better quality education for their children, will take their children, remove them from the public schools and become allies in the school choice movement.  That movement is in full force throughout New Hampshire because of the politicization taking place in some of these school districts.


  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at:

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