US Congressman “Flap Jack” Pappas (D-NH) wants us to know something about Liz Cheney.
Liz Cheney is a patriot, and it’s disappointing she has been defeated for speaking “truth to power”. We need more people in politics like her who will put country first.”
Hmm, our Democrat representative who praises the RINO Liz Cheney? What gives?
Townhall explains that the attempt to convey the honor of ideological martyrdom is a favorite of Trump-haters across party lines. Yup, Cheney spoke the truth and was crushed for it. Au contraire! She was crushed because the good people of Wyoming became tired of her vaudeville acts.
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If Liz Cheney or anyone else has sharp criticism of Trump, bring it. Make the case. Invite debate. But that’s not how these people roll. Their lofty condemnations are never simply a point they wish to make or a contribution to an ongoing dialogue; they paint themselves as the sole examples of high character.
The accompanying supposition is that to oppose them is a dereliction of duty amounting to the abandonment of the Constitution.” ( ) This is the height of preening condescension and exhibits Cheney’s narcissism. Whoa, Chris Pappas digs this act. Must be the anti-Trump thang.
Then there’s the brave loner, John Wayne, style of Cheney. But she wasn’t brave, being protected by Pelosi and her anti-American minions and by, presumably, the Flap Jack. Liz Cheney was by no means a loner in her continual chastising of the right. Nope, she was just another voice singing soprano in the Democrat choir where our own Chris Pappas chortles a mediocre mezzo-soprano.
Then there’s the additional idea that Cheney et al, are working to make the Republican Party viable again. And nabobs like Cheney, Pelosi, Pappas, Hassan, and Chuck Schumer lament the sad fall of this once workable Republican political party.
They mean they miss the loss of a supine Republican Party, lying at their feet, bending backward to meet their every costly whim.
Then there’s the idea abroad in our fair land and fairer state that everyone who voted for Trump was somehow mesmerized by his theatrics and never meant to vote for him. That’s why Liz was chucked out on her ear. Nope, we recognized that although Trump has his baggage like everyone, and who hasn’t said or done something they regret, Trump worked for us. It is in direct contravention to those who actively work and vote for BS that is inimical to us, be it here or in Wyoming.
Cheney and Pappas, and Shaheen and Kuster, have said yes to every expensive porkpie in the sky crock cobbled together by Pelosi and Schumer, all of which is detrimental to our well-being, the pursuit of our happiness, and our ability to pursue economic stability and to add to our personal wealth. And I don’t mean to say we’re wealthy. Unlike Cheney, the Democrat largesse hasn’t brought us $36,000,000 like it did Cheney.
Pappas is fresh from voting for that Inflation Reduction Act, which will accelerate inflation, wipe out the old folk’s savings, cost America 900,000 jobs per economist Casy Mulligan, and reduce incomes by $1,200. The increased tax burden will cost every family in every income quartile at least $2,400. And the increasingly weaponized IRS, with 4500 new weapons and 5 million rounds of ammunition, will audit 4 of 5 individuals earning less than $200k.
To see and hear Pappas praising the freshly defeated Liz Cheney because of her clearly RINO outlook means that Chris “Flap Jack” Pappas quit working for us as soon as he hit DC.
Real political courage, which is not often found and hasn’t been seen from our NH federal representatives since all four became Democrat ciphers, requires the occasional principled stand on an issue. I’m not voting for this because it’s not in the best interests of those I represent. It would be a nice change. A change that’ll never happen until we rid ourselves of Pelosi’s and Schumer’s expensive tools.
And these two utterly unprincipled solons answer, not to their constituents when you view San Francisco and NY State, but to the billionaire cognoscenti like George Soros, John Kerry, our own St. Paul’s schoolboy, and Bill Gates. The latter three all hate America while worshipping at the altar of the UN and the other Davos One Worlders. Their membership requires a private Gulfstream jet.
I don’t dislike Pappas, Cheney, or any of the rest of this far-left liberal crowd. But I sincerely question what the hell they’re doing as our Representatives. Has anything the Biden cabal passed or written through executive fiat bettered our lives? Not an iota.
According to the Texas Public Policy Foundation, this willy-nilly spending will result in a drop in output of $3.7 trillion from our gross domestic product (GDP). How is this a boon for our way of life? Our Representatives and their votes have us becoming Europe and their lowered economic expectations.
It’s time for many changes, and Maggie “the Magster” Hassan, Kuster, and Pappas need to be sent to the political wilderness like Cheney was for the same reason – her constituents were at the end of their ropes and could no longer afford her. Just as we in NH are, we simply can’t afford to have these Democrats representing us.
Let us, each and every NH voter, do just like Pappas said, speak to power and break it!