Germany to Mandate Masking for Anyone Who Has Not Been Re-Vaxxed Every Three Months - Granite Grok

Germany to Mandate Masking for Anyone Who Has Not Been Re-Vaxxed Every Three Months

Orwell 1984 Two Minutes Mask Hate

Germany has gone “full Germany” on the subject of mask mandates. The new Infection Protection Act requires indoor masking for the unvaccinated beginning this fall. Those who have been jabbed three or more times but not in the past three months will also need to wear masks indoors.

To aid with enforcement, there is a color-coded Corona Warning App (CWA), so the jabbed and unjabbed can be promptly sorted for loading on bix cars… at public venues like stores and restaurants. Like they do in China!


Depending on the color, the users then have different rights. A green code allows free movement, orange and red mean quarantine for up to two weeks. This is reported by the public broadcaster ORF.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Health is on the mend after his corona infection. According to Lauterbach, things are “slowly improving”. Nevertheless, Covid-19 is “no small thing. Despite four vaccinations and Paxlovid, I had more severe symptoms than expected.”


When you let political science supersede medical (or climate) science, things don’t appear to make sense anymore. But on the bright side, you can also silence dissenters (or change the color code on their device to lock them down).

And again, as predicted, you can’t get jabbed enough to please these people even when everyone knows the vaccines don’t do what advocates have long claimed. But if you’ve been jabbed by the ineffective thing, you won’t have to wear the other thing that doesn’t stop the spread but might make it worse.

In Dr. Colleen Huber’s “The Defeat of COVID,” she cites numerous peer-reviewed literature on various COVID-related subjects, including masks. After which, she comments on the doctor’s first requirement to do no harm (reformatted – several direct links added to footnotes).


The instruction not to inflict harm is so essential that it is basic to major religions. It is the central operating principle of civil societies, and harmonious institutions, alliances, friendships and households. The Golden Rule is the only common precept among all the world’s religions. So it is well-established that I am not ( as a physician ) allowed to cause harm to you.

It is worth repeating: I may not hurt you. As a physician, I work under, as the central principle of my philosophy and my practice, the Golden Rule as Hillel’s corollary, otherwise known as the Hippocratic Oath: First Do No Harm. But aren’t we all under the same oath? Aren’t we all obligated to not cause harm?

I do not ask others to wear a mask. Why? I have no right to obstruct anyone’s breathing. I have no right to cause widely demonstrated and clinically confirmed hypoxic injuries to the lungs, brain, heart and musculoskeletal system known in the peer-reviewed research to be caused by masking. Yes, I am sorry that you have been told over the last year that masks don’t reduce oxygen, by emphatic and dogmatic people, but the fact remains that oxygen deficit during mask-wearing is very thoroughly established in peer-reviewed clinical data.

Here[596], here[597] and here[598], for example. And yes, surgeons also suffer from deoxygenation.[599] Excess of carbon dioxide, as it accumulates inside a mask, also is a mild poisoning of the entire body, and this is also established in clinical data. [600] [601] So if you demand that a child, a worker, a traveler, a consumer or anyone else wear a mask, you have been demanding that they mildly poison themselves. I know this is vexing for some to read, but you cannot inflict harm with any moral authority, and you need to stop that, now that you know it’s an assault, if you want to be able to live with yourself, or to exist peacefully with a good conscience.

Why do I have no right to demand that another person wear a mask? Even inside my home? Even when people are only a few feet away from me? Even when we hug or shake hands? Because I have no right to raise their blood pressure by an average of 12 points systolic.[608] I have no right to force anyone to incubate an average of 100,000 bacterial colonies in their airways or on their skin, which were cultured from the used masks of European train commuters.[609] I have no right to immobilize the cilia of people’s airways, which they need to help escalate inhaled viruses, bacteria and fungi up the trachea, away from the lungs.[610] I have no right to put asbestos fiber size particles deep into their lungs, where those are unlikely to be exhaled, and where those particles can begin the process of pulmonary fibrosis (the most frightening and hopeless disease I have seen as a physician).[611] I have no right to interfere with the function of a person’s immune system to perform its usual functions.[612] [613] [614]

Before COVID, there was no practical use for medical or cloth masks to slow the spread of flu because, at best, they help spread it (there’s plenty of peer-reviewed data on that as well). But now, Germany is defining freedoms based on a vaccine and a mask that are ineffective, could poison or kill you and may make matters worse, and they are passing this off as public health policy.

More of what didn’t work in 2020 and 2021.

A program that will continue if Germans don’t say the same thing to their leaders as Wyoming just did to Liz Cheney.



HT | Reclaim the Net
