WMUR Closeup: George Hansel and Bob Burns

by Skip

As I was writing my previous post about the Good Guy with a gun stopping a bad guy going beserk, I was watching yesterday’s WMUR CLOSEUP show. I was going to leave this in that post but I was getting way long again so I decided to split it. Adam Sexton had George Hansel on first and then Bob Burns; both are running to knock off Annie Kuster in CD-2

I had already listened to George Hansel but as was listening more intently to Bob Burns getting grilled by Adam Sexton as most of that previous post was already done. Same kinds of questions to both but for Burns, the gun crime/mass shootings question was up first. Remember, while CloseUp aired yesterday, they record them on Friday – before the incident in Greenwood, Indiana.

Bob’s answers were quick and to the point:enforce the current laws, do something about criminal threats as they are made, get criminals illegally possessing guns off the streets, and restore Second Amendment Rights, and he’d back national Constitutional Carry/reciprocity for law-abiding citizens.

Sidenote: Bob, I think Justice Clarence Thomas just did that for you!

Sexton flippantly asks that we should expect that such people, good guys with guns, would stop a mass shooting; I think he was surprised that Burns said yes. Not everyone will but some would but Burns called him out by saying that the media doesn’t want that kind of story publicized.  And other than on conservative sites, it gets dropped quickly. I dryly note that WMUR is already passing that story into the mists of forgotten time, so they’re proving Bob right.

I also dryly note that Sexton/WMUR showed his/their (is that doing a “preferred pronoun” usage? I’m so confused) Leftist bias just in how they titled their clips of Burns and George Hansel (like we need a Progressive Republican Charlie Bass think-alike again???); Attack dog vs “gentleman with kid gloves”:

Sorry, I’m done with Milquetoast Progressive Republicans that refuse to fight – we need a scrapper. And Bob attacks everything.  Also don’t need a Charlie Bass retread that voted too often with Democrats against Republican principles. He’s the guy that started me saying “I don’t want to have to worry about how you vote”.

Speaking of Hansel, I watched him deflect direct questions about guns (expand enhanced background checks for folks over 21) by Sexton and sequed to the Border issue without a direct answer.  He refused to directly answer, as well, the question on Red Flag laws at the Federal level (and deflected to school hardening). He did, however, say no to an “assault weapon” ban (Sexton showing HIS bias on that one with that phrase). Thank God for small miracles.

This guy seems to be too focus grouped sounding.  And I just laughed when he mentioned that “his person” was trying to get his attention off camera to get away from being asked about whether he’d vote for privatizing Social Security (what, is this Sexton’s version of the infamous George Stephanopolus question of “would you vote to make contraceptives illegal?”:

“I’m getting a thing from my, ah  -very slight giggle – from my person”

He refused to answer the question. Sure, “questions to be asked”, George.  Would have been nice if you had directly answered the ones asked of you instead of deflecting away from them. And he wouldn’t answer direct questions about specifics on abortion, either, other than, like Sununu, “I’m pro-choice”.

Now I know what you didn’t want to undergo a GrokGauntlet.  That said, the offer still stands IF YOU WANT TO PROVE ME WRONG!  I can blame Sexton, in part for this for not keeping you on track. I, on the other hand, have been known, more than occasionally, sometimes FORCIBLY, in telling politicians “That’s nice but you didn’t answer the question – now DO so”.  Don’t waste my time in trying the “No Answer Polka”; I do have a verbal lasso and behaving like that does tend to cause my snarkiness to flare up.

BTW, nice touch, Bob, for running your campaign ad right after Hansel’s segment.

And to answer your question: Bob Burns WILL be coming in for his GrokGauntlet this Thursday.  Lily Tang Williams has also agreed to come in after the middle of August.  They are showing the courage in this regard.

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