Gunstock Area Commission: Finally, the Elephant in the Room Is Addressed – Part 2

by Skip

Yeah, late again. Seems to be par for the course, lately, for me.  The first part of the July GAC meeting (6/23) is here and I promised that more was coming. Well, better late than never ESPECIALLY since a new legal report has come out and I’ll get that posted before I head down to Grokster Mike’s for our next GrokGauntlet tonite.


That was uttered by Cindy Creteau-Miller as a Republican. She was recruited to be the latest GAC Commissioner by the Gary Kiediasch/Rusty McClear/Hayden McLaughlin/Russ Dumais / Tim Lang clan (that is opposed to the Conservatarians now in control of first the Belknap County Delegation (all of the NH State Representatives whose districts are in Belknap County) who have inserted like-minded Commissioners onto the GAC returning it back to Following The Law). She was not selected (Doug Lambert was instead).

If it wasn’t clear with her attack on the Commissioners, it certainly was by her absolute GUSHING over the GMR management.  Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion but what is also clear is the political tinge she inserted into the meeting.

I hadn’t planned on speaking this session (REALLY!) but when she made the quiet part  real loud (the “nuance” behind all the animosity that has been going on for months over Commissioner Peter Ness, then Jade Wood, ramped up over Dr. Strang, and then again over Doug Lambert) that it is all about politics, I decided to “address the elephant in the room”.

And it was not well received, especially when I called out Gary Kiedaisch over it. I knew I hit my mark as you can tell from the headshaking by NH State Rep Mike Bordes (bald head, checkered shirt sitting behind the lady wearing the red face mask). A bit less so, NH State Rep Travis O’Hara; both are part of the “Lang Gang” RINOs in opposition to the Conservatarian majority on the Delegation (and not just over Gunstock, either).

And then it devolved from there.

They all complain about the accusatory atmosphere, yet I have to ask, do these folks have any self-awareness in listening to themselves during the meetings?  The outbursts, the cat-calls, the snide remarks when any of the newer Commissioners speak?

So now that the politics is (thank you, Mr. Deluca for saying “Sylvia and Silber are toast” (paraphrasing here) out there in the open, I’ll be more open about it as well.

The next video is a treat as well (the final video of the meeting).


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