GrokGauntlets – Well, Yet Another Establishment Candidate Blew Us Off: Matt Mowers

by Skip

“You claim to be going to DC to fight the Swamp; yet you boast about all of the DC-based politicians that have endorsed you. If you are depending on us to be impressed by all those names, how are we supposed to believe that you’d be fighting them?

I’m sitting here in my living room with TMEW and the Grandson typing this. I SHOULD be over at Grokster Norm’s home starting to grill Mowers. It’s not like Matt had far to come to meet with us – he literally lives just a few doors down from Norm. So all of that bluster back at the Belknap County Republican Republicans was just that – a smoke screen.

Yesterday, I called “his guy” John Callaghan to confirm his arrival. When it was clear that his voice mailbox was full (as mine almost always is), I emailed him. What I received shortly afterward was this from Mower’s campaign manager:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Parker Carey” <>
Sent: 7/26/2022 11:00:58 AM
Subject: Tomorrow


Thanks for reaching out. Matt is not able to make it tomorrow.


Parker CareyCampaign Manager
Mowers for Congress

My Response:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
To: “Parker Carey” <>
Sent: 7/26/2022 11:05:27 AM
Subject: Re: Tomorrow

Duly noted. I will tell the other Groksters that he will be a no-show.

And our readers.


And thus I have done so. Yet another Establishment candidate that blusters they they are up to the battle against all of the DC swamp.

Really?  And you folks can’t even summon up the courage to face a handful of political bloggers asking what any of us think are rather simple questions (although we’re finding that we DO make those that ARE willing to come in to talk with us). If you won’t do that, the chances are rather dim that we can’t trust that you won’t go Swamp.

See the top of this post – that was going to be first question I was going to ask. I think that it is a rather simply constructed one – but one that would be rather difficult for him to answer truthfully and honestly given his background AND how he has portrayed his campaign bona fides.

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