Granite Staters Lose Rights When RINOs Run Wild

by Op-Ed

New Hampshire statesmen have always known our Constitutional Republic is fragile, and we need to stand firm to protect it. Benjamin Franklin said it best:

We have “a Republic,” but only “if you can keep it.”

Unfortunately, being the first Constitution framed by an American Commonwealth, we now find that our great State is far adrift from its unified founding “Spirit of ‘76” with its first-of-a-kind commitment under God, not government.

Today, Granite Staters work for the government, with our rights and liberties under direct threat. Since 2020, We the People have suffered and endured under a self-serving agenda delivered by Republicans-in-Name-Only (RINOs).

New Hampshire RINO infiltration has been quietly breeding for a long time, but COVID became the apex excuse for them to extend their territory deep into our State’s socio-economics. Love or hate him, there is a definite reason President Trump keeps talking about RINOs at each of his 2022 rallies. Ultimately, RINOs are responsible for below the Franconia Notch devolving into Northern Massachusetts and above the Franconia Notch languishing for decades – and now the bill has come due.

Stealthy RINO panderers have been carefully cornering their political prey: unsuspecting Granite State families and communities. Why? Because RINOs falsely believe it’s their political destiny to maintain power and control at all costs, in direct violation of the oath they took upon entering elected office. These RINOs take liberties with their self-perceived rights. Today the reason why Granite Staters are all less safe, less secure, and less stable is because 51 elected officials in Concord continue to overrun our communities with one-size-fits-all policies. Rather than good government, RINO pseudo-solutions are a means to an end for their own interests, resulting in strings-attached bailouts for the people of New Hampshire.

On the surface, RINO-driven reckless spending looks great for our State economy. But the cold hard truth is that 45%+ of our State’s $13.6B budget is federal money. And federal funding is chained to unavoidable extras that limit the choices and actions of local townspeople. With no wealth tax, lowered business taxes, and the phasing out of dividend taxes, the burden of federal debt passes on to families and communities, mainly through property taxes. Not to forget, Granite Staters pay other taxes too – on meals, hotels, timber, gravel, electricity, phones, and businesses. We ought to be more alert about where the money goes.

Unfortunately, few realize that federal funding is deadly and that our community underbelly is exposed. Many intractable problems statewide start with RINOs getting on the dole of Daddy DC. Unless ordinary townsfolk understand balance sheets and stay alert at townhall meetings, they are at the mercy of camouflaged RINO tactics. For all intents and purposes, our State is gradually being caged and our freedoms are headed for extinction.

Hidden in plain sight, the RINO games begin with growing government by design. RINO money masters set velvet snares that distort and destroy our State’s citizen-led democratic process. They succeed at keeping down an informed citizenry as they circumvent our State Constitution by increasing property taxes and pummel hard-working families and communities into submission (and for some, relocation). Additionally, by overtaxing towns instead of commonsense taxes elsewhere, RINOs also ensure direct wealth transfers from hard-working Granite Staters to RINO friends, family, and special interest groups. Ultimately, this is how our great State has become infested with the entitled masses from blue-leaning messes.

How are these RINOs able to do this so effectively and for so long? Just like we learned from the “Parable of the Boiled Frog” they have a playbook. Conservative and independent Granite Staters must stay vigilant and on the lookout for signs/signals of the 10 RINO Commandments

Thou Shall:

1. Lie Openly

2. Act Selfishly

3. Plunder Economically

4. Destroy Community

5. Expand Bureaucracy

6. Take Federal Money

7. Entrench False Safety

8. Eradicate the Nuclear Family

9. Sellout the Citizenry

10. Weaken the Party and State.

The most deceptive part of their devious pandering for power is how the first five Commandments are accomplished individually. But the last five require covert strategic coordination by an entire faction of RINOs.

Pay attention! Because the RINOs each play a select group of people for a select interest, while deflecting and distracting from their larger aims. Some RINOs mask as God-fearing while others mask as “kitchen table conservatives” or knowledgeable business owners. In reality, they all abuse the same means to achieve their individual ends at the expense of hard-working, honest, and common-sense Granite Staters.

Above the Franconia Notch must stay above the politics. Vigilance is the way forward.

New Hampshire deserves better.

Gary Whitehill
Colebrook, NH

BIOGRAPHY: Gary is a 9th Generation Yankee Constitutional Republican running for State Representative in Coos County District 3.


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