Was it worth it to steal from an old man? The Blaze has the story but it’s a bit long and convoluted but here’s an abstract of it. Summary: they got greedy and paid for it bigly.
- The homeowner told police the four people (Tabitha L. Johnson (42), Dylan Morefield (36), Shaun Kruse (42), and Rameica Moore(22)) came to his home Saturday aggressively demanding money, the station said, citing court documents.
- Morefield and Moore were the confrontational ones
- The homeowner told police he had only $65 cash on him Saturday, which the group took (and had been demanding more)
- The 4 armed robbers came back early Sunday morning
- Morefield, Johnson, and Moore entered the home Sunday morning to steal more.
- The homeowner was asleep around 6 am. His dog woke him up with his barking with Johnson, Morefield, and Moore inside.
- The three started to threaten him, held a gun to his head, and started taking things from the home.
- The three said to write a blank check for $500; the homeowner was then able to retrieve his shotgun.
- Moore and Morefield were fatally shot by the homeowner
- Johnson was then led out at gunpoint and told Kruse to call 911 on himself (his phones had been destroyed earlier)
A DGU – Defensive Gun Use. You rarely hear of such encounters where a good guy with a gun stops bad guys. It goes against the Democrat Narrative of Civilian Disarmament.
So a gun allowed a single Senior citizen from being robbed and, perhaps, being killed. Justice was swift – two dead and good riddance. Now the remaining two are up on murder charges for being involved in a felony where two bad guys were introduced to their dirt naps.
And NH State Rep David Meuse wants to take such capabilities away from the rest of us here in NH?