I’m trying to get caughtup at SCOTUSblog which has huge draw when the Supreme Court’s opinions and decisions are revealed. Steve has the Breaking News – good that SCOTUS redid a bad decision as the Constitution never enumerated that abortion was to be within a Power of the Federal Government to oversee.
I’ll have more to say but I think this comment by Amy Howe summarizes much of the outlook of Kagan, Sotomayor, and Breyer (the Liberals on the Courts given to being a Super-Legislative body):
9 minutes ago
“Whatever the exact scope of the coming laws,” the dissenters write, “one result of today’s decision is certain: the curtailment of women’s rights, and of their status as free and equal citizens.”
Their concern is ONLY for the woman (and I will add “BIOLOGICAL woman” and not a “birthing person” although I wouldn’t have been surprised to have seen that phrase) that concerns them – there is NO mention in that abstract from their dissent about the Child that is within them. Women are still free and they are still equal – but biologically have different purposes/responsibilities/capabilities based on their biological sex/gender.
It’s as if the three of them, along with the Left, believe that this new life is but a “penumbra and emanation” (see what I did there?) and not to be considered at all.
I’ll be writing much more on this later. Amy Howe of SCOTUSblog has a brief synopsis here.