Crassness? I Think This Is Called “Stepping on Your Opponent’s Speech.” Nice, Maya of the Chuck Morse Campaign


First, it was the current Communications Director of the NH GOP. Now it is the former one: Maya Harvey. Like many of the NH GOP staffers, she jumped ship (like Joe Sweeney) in their efforts to grab the brass ring (as I have been putting it for YEARS) in riding a Federal campaign into The Swamp Congress on the back of their candidate.  This time, it’s Chuck Morse’s campaign.  From calling potential volunteers, influencers, and voters “Uneducated Rednecks” in Coos County, now a display of crassness by a staffer (and not the candidate), is this a “by any means”?

Just as there is a code among thieves, there is oft an unwritten code during campaigns that one will “step on” another for an advantage; just don’t make it blatant.  Like this:

This was sent to me today by a loyal reader.  I have no idea where this took place or when but it’s clear that it is Brig. General (Green Beret) Don Bolduc speaking talking about those soldiers that perished under his command via his orders. It’s clear that he isn’t using them for a political point – but pointing out that he will ALWAYS honor their sacrifice. So watch the “stepping all over”:

  • At 0:03 of the video (3 seconds in) at about the mid-level of the frame to the right of the baby carriage. What appears to be red, white, and blue are signs.
  • At 0:16, you can see a woman dressed in white and with what seems to be a camera around her neck (to the right of the man with that white hat and orangish polo shirt) sweeping into the frame from left to right.
  • At 0:22 she stops at that “red, white, & blue”, picks it up, and reveals it to be two campaign signs for Chuck Morse (yes, hard to pick out but this was verified by an attendee) and starts to put them up behind Bolduc so as to upstage the speaker as he is speaking.

And just stands there, holding them up as Bolduc continues to speak. Tacky.

Look, a staffer’s job is to make sure that their candidate’s name is foremost in the minds of those in attendance at these political events.  The problem is HOW is your candidate going to be remembered? The people who attend these events this early (with respect that most peoples’ heads won’t get too wrapped around candidates until mid to late August) are watching EVERYTHING – what is said, what is the presentation, and what are the staffers are doing.

And yes, when I go to political events, I am watching EVERYTHING because the staff are representing the Candidate.  If they are acting badly, that will get around and reflect badly on the candidate EVEN if they are not allowed to actually speak to the attendees.

The person sending me this video was not impressed. It’s understood that this is an intensely competitive endeavor with big stakes at the end of the General Election. S/he has made it known that even with this small slight of a speaking candidate will be discussed with those that will ask that person “well, who do you like?”.

At this stage, some level of manners is still required – even if you “own” the NH GOP by dint of the number of former NH GOP staffers working for you.

UPDATE: A reader sent this in:

The incident with Maya Harvey was at the Summer Social that was held in Chester. This would have been the Saturday before Father’s Day.




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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