Are Dems Who Bemoaned Trump’s Exec. Orders Excited About Biden Abusing Emergency and War Powers?

These days, no matter who the president is, they will likely unleash a raft of Executive Orders meant to undo the previous president’s orders. The appropriate response on either side is to complain about abuse of authority or undermining the Democracy or the Republic.

Biden signed a pile of orders reversing, repealing, undoing, or negating Donald Trump’s, but now he’s upped the ante. He’s invoking emergency and war powers to push pieces around the board in a manner that suits his (handler’s) ideological preferences. In some cases, he is attempting to use these powers (or threatening to use them) to mitigate the side-effects of his priorities or actions or policies he has advanced.

Democrats destroy everything they touch, so breaking things was a given. It’s how they get what they want. But this time, it’s gone sideways in the worst way, and there are significant political ramifications. Threats of a Red November storm could stall the planned destruction or at least slow it down. To soften the anticipated beatings, Biden Inc. is delivering a flurry of “actions” meant to appear as if (1) they didn’t want all this crap to happen and (2) they care about the negative consequences.

Neither is true, but it proves the point: they are incompetent and unfit for rule.

They claim to be the victim of external forces only they are smart enough to manage, while never taking responsibility for failing to anticipate the doom until after it is upon us.

And while I could label them idiots, those are, in fact, the people who believe whatever they say and continue to put them in positions of power. And they will do or say anything to keep that.

Say hello to abusing emergency or war powers.

If any Republican did it, the Left would lose what passes for their minds. Biden doing it is just a natural extension of the police state authority required to scratch their authoritarian tick. But it also sets a precedent.

Having opened the door when we are not at war, and we won’t know how far he’ll open it until that happens, why wouldn’t a future president use the same logic to push the pendulums back the other way or in a new direction altogether?

Or is that the point?

Create another new normal for abuse of power. Let it set in on both sides. If a political opponent gains access to that power, so what? You’ll be back and can push the abuse a bit further. Losing Congress or the White House for a few years has not tamed the bureaucratic beast that greases the wheels of power.

The swamp is, after all, yours.

A wipeout in November or 2024 is more like a foot lifting from the accelerator but never putting it on the brake.

But if you’d like to see what an actual insurrection looks like, put Republicans in office committed to taking federal power and money and giving it back to the states and the people (if you can find any).

The Left would make the George Floyd riots look like a cotillion.

So, to answer the question, with a few exceptions, the Dem base loves Biden’s abuses or planned abuses of power.

Useful idiots.



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