After Recent Supreme Court Ruling State Legislatures Are More Important than Ever


As a former President of New Hampshire Right to Life, this decision was the center of the pro-life community. And, now that there is no FEDERAL law supporting abortion, the whirlwind will commence in the states.

Our Republic will now take up the task in true Federalist tradition and decide how each state will answer this challenge. We need to pay attention here in New Hampshire.

State politicians are now more important than ever. While truly conservative Federal candidates are of course, very important for the pro-life supporter, it is our New Hampshire state candidates which need to be vetted much more carefully now on their stance on Life.

Combine that with our Republican Pro-Choice Governor who has already gone back on CAMPAIGN PROMISES to support the repeal of the NH Buffer Zone law (which has already been declared unlawful – talk about an easy stand) and support a late-term abortion ban.

Pro-Life groups did TRY to vet Gov. Sununu on Life in the last election, but clearly, Gov. Sununu’s promises mean very little.

As such Gov. Sununu should not be re-elected as Governor of the state of New Hampshire. While he “lobbied” for the Pro-Life vote in the last election, his word obviously meant nothing. This behavior should not be rewarded. Pro-Lifers supported Gov. Sununu in the last election based on promises made. Gov. Sununu went back on his word. Shame on him.

Remember, if voters settle for knowingly unethical leaders in government, we will get nothing less than unethical leadership. Get ready for the whirlwind.




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