Some Questions About Roe v. Wade For “Dr. Tom Sherman”

So … “Dr. Tom Sherman” posted this in response to Sun-King Sununu’s response to the leaking of a draft Supreme Court opinion overruling Roe v. Wade:

What Dr. Tom is actually saying is that he believes there should be NO restrictions on abortion, ever … that he supports abortion right up until birth … indeed, he may even support “post-birth abortion.”

So … some questions for “Dr. Tom”:

I understand that the Democrat Party is the party of angry women and emasculated men. Is championing the killing of defenseless eight and nine-month-old unborn babies to help you feel less emasculated?

Why do you think killing defenseless unborn eight and nine-month-old babies is “brave”?

How broad is the principle underlying the right to an abortion? For example, does this right allow the government to censor what you would consider “misinformation” about abortion?



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