The "They Totally Restructure the Gunstock Ski Area Because Their Preferred Candidates Keep Losing "Crap Show" " - Granite Grok

The “They Totally Restructure the Gunstock Ski Area Because Their Preferred Candidates Keep Losing “Crap Show” “

Reclaim Gunstock HB1397

Well, yesterday was the hearing that showed that there was no “reclaiming” of Gunstock Mountain Resort (“GMR”) being done – merely a political play by Gary Kiedaisch and the “NH State Rep Tim Lang’s gang”.

With honorable mention to SlowJoe’s cousin, Rusty McLear.

And for NH State Senator Bob Guida for being dragooned by bad reasoning to put this non-germane amendment onto a bill. Legisaltion whose only purpose was to change the term for elected Rockingham County officials from 2-year terms to 4 years (while everyone else in NH, at the State level, continues to serve 2 years).

I don’t get the logic or reason why 2 to 4 but that’s up to Rockingham but this Amendment by NH State Senator Bob Guida / NH State Rep Lang makes no operational sense whatsoever EXCEPT they hate that their preferred candidates lost their elections to the Gunstock Area Commission fair and square according to the enabling law from 1959 that hasn’t had a problem since its writing.



As I said before, the Left does this all the time. Lose elections, blame something else.  Pack the Court, disqualify Republicans for any and all reasons, in Democrat States do the Redistricting Dance to remove Republican opponents, and other sundry tactics except one: accept the loss and compete better again.

Not these set of folks.  They don’t want to just take their basketball and go home – they want to take the entire court, dismantle it, move it, and reconstruct it such that THEY have the upper hand.  Can’t stand the rules?  Remake them in their own image (re: think of the vast amount of money, Money, MONEY that would be thrown into county wide Gunstock Area Commission races that pay just $25/meeting). The Law has worked well – until these folks saw they were getting politically locked out. You know, by the same people that were saying that politics should not be a part of Gunstock.

Funny how that keeps showing up – say one thing but do the opposite under the dark of night at the last moment.  In the end, it’s all about Power and they ache because they’ve lost their toy and can’t compete on the current playing field.  And in the case of Rusty McClear, it’s not even clear he knows which field he’s on – the Chair had to gently speak to what he was saying about himself instead of speaking about the “restructure everything” amendment. So, too, Kiedaisch – what a WONDERFUL CEO I’ve been appointed to be (without acknowledging that two of the other new Commissioners have built their own multi-million dollar businesses and another in opposition to Kiedaisch did the same as well. Narcissistic, anyone?

OK, semi-rant over.  Watch the video – I’ve started it right from the beginning of that bill’s hearing and it goes for about an hour fifteen with a number of speakers.

I was told that by the end, listening to those in favor of the amendment to restructure, so bored were the Senators on the sub-committee, they occupied themselves with other busy work and weren’t listening. So this should be a slam dunk decision – the question is till which way will it go.

Me?  My take is “Sore Losers Syndrome” and I hope the NH State Senate sub-committee ITL’s (Inexpedient to Legislate) and kills it.
