James O’Keefe’s Dartmouth College Presentation (The Administration Didn’t Cancel It!)

by Skip

Mike already put up James OKeefe’s presentation at the 603 Alliance luncheon at The Concord Hotel.  I also had cameras rolling there and I’ll put the videos at the bottom of the post (re: side shots of his speech with my Mevo cameras).

After that, I rolled up to Hanover to the Dartmouth College event. The entire time going North, I kept expecting the phone call with the words “yep, the Dartmouth Admin just pulled an Andy Ngo again.” Meaning that the O’Keefe event had been canceled at the last moment like the Andy Ngo event.  Fortunately, that call never came.

I did expect a repeat of what he had just presented in Concord – and I was wrong.  There, he wrapped his discussion all about what NH had tried to do to him complete with Dick Head and Dick Tracy humor (actual members of the NH AG’s Office) as they sought retribution for what his investigations had turned up.

He showed that New Hampshire had voter fraud and the loopholes that would allow it; the retribution was that he was embarrassing the Administration and they were looking to extract their pound of flesh from his skinny body (at least, at the time).

O’Keefe switched it up and went after the editor of the Dartmouth Review (a supposedly Conservative media outlet) who sounded like a Lefty for berating Project Veritas over shoddy reporting and bogus video editing.  It was clear that James was having a LOT of fun skewering the lazy opinions and reporting:



Dartmouth Review Editor Kyle Mullins had tried to out-snark a master.  I hope he realizes that he got a hard national level spanking and James had the audience in stitches over it.

He also took questions this time (in Concord, he didn’t):



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Oh, almost forgot – my Concord videos of James speaking to the 603 Alliance Event attendees:

Camera 1:

Camera 2:


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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