James O’Keefe – “Change My Mind” Session at Dartmouth College. However, We DON’T Know What the View of the Dartmouth Review Is.

by Skip

Be Brave. Do Something.  We should do more of these “man on the street interview” – I think they’d be a lot of fun to do. I’d also like to believe that we could do what James is doing with that first guy who kept on insisting that James is doing “stuff” and taking money from “corporate” interests -and those facts are truly not in evidence. At least the guy exposed the mindset of those that hold Project Veritas as a problem – make stuff up and then accept those as fact.  “Feigning interest” – what a great line to use by someone that really just can’t accept the reality of what O’Keefe does.



I do wish he had talked with more than just one student in this video.  It’s a very liberal place but fairly bright students and I think we’d have a bit more fun watching some of them squirm a bit when confronted with issues and answers that vary from the typical mental outlook on campus topics (a collective echo chamber EXCEPT for the very few Conservatives groups like the Dartmouth College Republicans and the Dartmouth Turning Point USA chapter.

Dartmouth Review, which used to be a conservative alternative to the official Dartmouth newspaper, not so much.  And when a reporter from the DR, having just listened to James pick on the editor from the DR that wrote a dismissive editorial that was not all that different than what this guy above was saying, was pointed out to James during the Q&A, he gave her the chance to respond about Kyle Mullin’s piece, she demurred.  She wasn’t Brave enough to stand up for her beliefs, her friend, or her newspaper.

When I turned around with my camera to face the audience, she’s the blonde with the red blouse on, second from the left (appropriate?). She was EXTREMELY uncomfortable at being asked what her purpose is for being there; not a word.



At least the guy in this video was Brave enough to stand up for his own beliefs. She, however, collapsed.  The moral here is that we on the Right must ALWAYS be ready to defend our beliefs and why they matter and why they are superior.  Shutting down, remaining silent, and only staying behind the secrecy of a keyboard is not enough. And maybe that’s why the Right has such a problem in battling the Culture War that has been thrust upon us -we’re simply not Brave.

I went to the Dartmouth Review site figuring that her report would be up – nothing.  I searched for Kyle Mullins (who wrote the hit piece on James O’Keefe) -nada. Searched for James O’Keefe; nein. Project Veritas – ghosted.  No better results on their blog site,  Facebook page, or their Twitter feed.  Lazy folks, that’s for sure.

Or worse, having been challenged, they totally caved and wiped their sites clean of any mention.

So, how do we change that?  How do we get people to NOT be fearful?  How do we get people to really look inward to see what their internal guiding principles are and then be willing to stand up for them? We lose when we don’t engage.  It’s clear that the Dartmouth Review is safely ensconced in its own little bubble…

…and doesn’t want to come out and play engage.




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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