With the new rig of the S22 Ultra and the DJI Om 5 gimbal, I’m having some fun learning some new technologies. There a lot to learn for this blogger that wants video to enhance the blogging stories but not to the level of being a full-fledged videographer.
But, you don’t learn if you don’t try so at the James O’Keefe event in Concord, NH, I tried a bit. Not bad but can be better.
That disclaimer aside, the first person I chased down was 603 Alliance Executive Director (and NH State Rep AND a Grokster) Jim Kofalt:
Next were Jim Johson and Tom Murray of the Government Integrity Project (note how quickly Jim side-steps away from the camera – heh!):
Then I tracked down (or was it “stalked”) Robin Wright of the Brentwood Newsletter. She is, in my eyes, a champion for Free Speech and Freedom of the Press as she is enduring a LOT of pressure from the Brentwood Democrat Party (Hi former NH State Rep Liz McConnel (glad GraniteGrok helped to insert that ‘former’ in there)! Brentwood Democrat Party Chair Eric Turer as well, and certainly current Selectman (but former NH State Senator) Jon Morgan). They HATE her for the audacity of publishing articles not burnishing their Narrative starting from when she picked up some content from GraniteGrok (WITH my permission).
They show the absolute pettiness and retributive nature of Progressives whose only tactic when confronted by those not holding their views is to either shut them down outright or so entangle them in legalesse and “conditions” that they have taken control (and you are out in the cold).
That’s ok – I have made it known to the good folks in Brentwood that I’d be happy, at the push of a single button, to spin up a BrentwoodGrok. THAT, these loser authoritarians won’t be able to control.
And just before I left, having broken down the equipment, Don Ewing (also a 603 Alliance Board member and a Grokster – yes, we have folks embedded in LOTS of places!) came over to relate an observation:
Yes, I know; shoulda