Hey, Democrats? Did You Know That Jeanne Shaheen Donates to GraniteGrok?

by Skip

Do Dems know about Jeanne Shaheen ‘donating’ to GraniteGrok.com? Well, not necessarily DIRECTLY, but I’m quite sure she and/or her staff are aware of the ad.  How do I know that?



Skip and Jeanne Shaheen


EarthJustice, League of Conservation Voters, and the Sierra Club (the organizations behind the ad) know that Democrats read GraniteGrok. Why else would they be spending good money (even if delusional) on GraniteGrok?

All of these groups are looney tune, hard-Left, eco-Socialist groups – WHY would they/Jeanne Shaheen be PAYING GRANITEGROK to get their message out?

I’ve always said that our target audience is that hard-core pool of political activists on the Right that reside in a rather small State.  And we do a very good job at reaching those few thousand folks.  So for those folks, you could think of this ad as a sharp stick in the eye.  Fair enough but it also says that our readers matter enough to send them a message.

The flip-side, however, is that they know that Democrat political activists read GraniteGrok as well (and history tells us that’s true as well – whether or not they admit to it or not – as they complain about us a lot. Remember that “Shut the ‘Grok up” bill submitted by that Democrat coven of female harridans?

Or is Jan Schmidt reaching out to our hosting company to deplatform us?).  For this demographic, that trio of organizations that want us to regress our modern living backward 300 to 400 years, decided that we reached their audience better than others here in NH.

So we thank these hard-core Democrats for putting some coin into our pockets to help pay our hosting charges. Paying us means doing less harmful things to everyone so we are grateful for your donation to our causes and our site.

Having her mug opposite mine just makes the icing on the cake.  And yes, that’s my mug shot for my new podcast series, Skip’s Sauntering Snippets, so if you would, please, take a listen!

You, too, Jeanne!



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