Gentlemen’s Club Likely to Open in Tamworth, New Hampshire

by Op-Ed

According to the Conway Daily Sun, a plan to develop a gentlemen’s club in the small town of Tamworth, New Hampshire, was recently unveiled at a Tamworth town meeting.

Basically, a 77-year-old steel fabrication business owner from the area has a noble plan (in his view) to convert an old Italian restaurant into a billiards place featuring a private “gentlemen’s club.”

Get this, the article also states a current Tamworth selectman for the town confirmed there are no local zoning laws that could prevent this endeavor. However, approval must be granted by the state. For the whole story, read it for yourself by clicking on the link below.

I have many questions about this, I don’t know about you. I sure hope everyone reading does as well.

We want to thank Ryan Bennett for this Op-Ed.
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First, where would these “gentlemen club” or “exotic dancers” employees come from?

Second, is the fact these future potential employees would be barely covered on the top any less exploiting than fully nude without the skimpy coverings?

Third, where would these workers come from? Is this another way to groom youth into the whole sexualization liberalization agenda?

I am not making any assertions right now. However, why does a 77-year-old man want to open a late-night smokehouse eatery, billiards, and beer/wine bar with exotic dancers?

I do not like this in the slightest bit.

What a great way to track creeps too, but hey, live free or die, right?

Let’s just do this in every small NH town, what a brilliant idea (sarcasm) to attract out of staters, gangs, drug traffickers, and other types of groups. I forgot; they do not drool over young women partially covered.

I will be politically incorrect over this and will not apologize. This is a dangerous slippery slope to allow anywhere in New Hampshire, however, it is more eye-opening when this is being planned out in the North Country.

Last time I checked, men and women can go play pool, have a couple of glasses of wine and beer, eat BBQ food and socialize without looking at women dressed with almost their entire top exposed. One does not need a high IQ to understand what I am saying.

Rant over.




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