Well, I Have a Biology Degree So, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, I Can Answer “What Is a Woman?”

by Skip

This is a PERFECT example of Ideological Fealty over what-we-see-in-actual-life reality.  It is a PERFECT example of the chaos that the Left is deliberately sowing into American life – universal gaslighting of us all that we are not to believe our lyin’ eyes. They want to get us to the point of accepting 2+2=5 and any of their other dastardly “beliefs” they held.  Sorry, I know what a woman is – my undergrad degree prepared me for that. It’s not a man.  It is the complementary gender to a man, but can never be a man.

Yesterday, during Jackson’s first full day of Senate confirmation hearings, one of the progressive left’s major dogmas related to transgender ideology and politics was torn asunder by none other than the good judge herself. Ironically, the destruction of this basic tenet of transgenderism (if it is an -ism) occurred as Jackson was attempting to be too clever and too politically correct by half when she was asked to perform the simple task of defining “woman.”

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) asked the good judge to perform the simple task that most pre-schoolers can accomplish. The exchange reflects a level of intellectual stupidity that only can be attained at America’s leading graduate schools… in this case, Harvard.

The above is from Townhall and I disagree with this:

That last addendum, “I’m not a biologist,” was a gratuitous little insight into a nasty little attitude that Jackson holds for the likes of Blackburn, who would dare to presuppose that such a thing as defining a woman could be glibly achieved in such a vulgar setting as this.

No, it isn’t just towards “the likes of Blackburn” – it is total disparagement towards anyone not in their tribe, including yours truly with a biology degree. What we Normals need to do is to start laughing at them at each and every time that they try to have us believe 2+2=5 or that a man can be a woman and that a woman can be a man.  All three are impossible. Oh, for sure, that latter two can have you dress up as the other sex than what you were conceived. You may even have surgery whose purpose is to fool others into believing that he is a she or a she is a he.

But neither can ever biologically be what they are not. Chromosomes (which I’ve been told doesn’t “follow the science”) make it clear as a permanent marker.  But your bone structure, your muscle mass and types, your pulmonary and cardiac capabilities, the internal and external organs, and even how your brain is wired is different than the other sex/gender.

Sidenote: remember, “gender” has been redefined by the Left to be other than what it used to be: a more genteel way during the Victorian Age, of saying “sex”. Both were defined as the same thing and up until lately, were synonyms for each other. Now enter in “social construct” that allows the Left to redefine anything they want so you SHUT UP!

You can’t change those no matter what you believe you want to believe about yourself as well as demanding that others do the same.

For Harvard trained Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to state that she can’t is a lie in fealty to the Marxist social gospel she is wedded to. And make no mistake, the culture war in which we find ourselves being shoved into.  No, it’s not the classic socioeconomic Marxist class that Communists and Socialists are infamous for but the Frankfurt School and Antonio Gramsci American twist by turning

I also like this retort that I saw in a Twitter video that demonstrates this insanity of what we Normals are being subjected to:

Ah yes, the “Totalitarianism of the Experts” in real life.  No one is to decide for themselves regardless.  This is “certification” run amok.  It is what the Left desires – to make you internalize and think normal that you are NOT allowed to opine on ANYTHING in which you don’t have a degree/certification.  ANYTHING.  And they are quickly looking to make it mandatory for all – you drone!

“I’m not a vet but I know what a dog is”

Short, to the point, and an utter refutation of the Left that makes them look silly.  Senator Blackburn, upon hearing Jackson say “I’m not a biologist”, could have used that. In fact, all of us can use that for ALL of the ways that the Left is trying to gaslight us – state something simple that can’t be refuted but stuff’s their point into a little box – and then stomp on it.

(H/T: Townhall Daily Caller)


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