I can see why scientists would think this is a good idea. Create a vaccine that self-distributes to a vulnerable population. Especially something like Ebola. But just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
“The idea is that instead of a vaccine staying in one person’s body, the vaccine itself would infect them in such a way that they could pass on vaccination to others around them, much as they would otherwise pass on a disease.
There are scores of things wrong with this, not the least of which is the recent example of the COVID19 scheme. An ineffective, unsafe drug was fear-spread into a populace, most of whom never needed it, and a statistically significant number of recipients were harmed.
The list of potential effects is so long that most harms will never be associated with the vaccination campaign.
And that was a global phenomenon. Governments across the planet went all in, some more than others, to inject populations with a dangerous chemical its manufacturers knew was unsafe and ineffective.
The next step is to make them self-spreading and forever?
The vaccines use cytomegalovirus (CMVs), a group that belongs to the herpes family. According to Mayo Clinic, once infected with the virus, your body retains the virus for life.
“CMV spreads from person to person through body fluids, such as blood, saliva, urine, semen, and breast milk. There is no cure, but there are medications that can help treat the symptoms.”
This is unethical. It’s also extremely dangerous. You randomly receive the equivalent of a treatment you did not authorize then have a reaction that will last forever. Well, they can help treat the symptoms.
Wow, I literally do not feel better.
And it’s a program only our “leaders” (please refer to COVID19 vaccines for evidence of why they are unqualified) need know or decide. Convince a few Typhoid Mary types to get started, and boom, you eventually “vaccinate” millions of people without their knowledge or consent.
Heck, you don’t even need to convince them. COVID19 showed us that people will line up even after the evidence indicates there is more risk than reward.
Or, just jab a few folks with whatever, they don’t even need to know.
And once the technology is viable, no law can stop it.
Chemical warfare on a whole new level.
Actually, we’re already on that level, this will just save billions in advertising and pressure campaigns.