The Unserious Tom Sherman

Did you know that the New Hampshire Democrat Party has a candidate to run against Sun-King Sununu?  The NHDP does … Tom Sherman … and he has already shown himself to be unserious.

Interviewed recently on Jack Heath’s radio show, Sherman called the Sun-King “Mr. Property Tax Sununu” and claimed that he has a path to victory because the Sun-King has “veered too far to the Right.”

You are not going to beat the Sun-King by running to his LEFT because the Sun-King … with just a few exceptions … governs from the LEFT.

Nobody except an incorrigible hard-left-ideologue … like Tom Sherman … would classify the Sun-King as “too far to the Right.”

Indeed, the examples given by Sherman of “too far to the right” prove this point … the ban on late-term abortions (which the Sun-King is trying to gut), and the ban on CRT (Critical Race Theory, or more accurately” anti-White racism) being taught in classrooms are supported by a majority of voters.

A campaign focused on unlimited abortions and promoting CRT is a campaign that, at best, appeals to one-third of the electorate. It is NOT a serious campaign.

Local property taxes are ridiculous. And the Sun-King has done NOTHING to ease the burden. But Sherman has no serious solution. Raising taxes at the state level and sending more money to local school districts will NOT guarantee a decrease in local property taxes.

History here and elsewhere has shown that many, many local school boards will not use the new state funding to reduce local property taxes.

A serious solution is something I have advocated … an annual cap on how much local school taxes can be raised. But neither the Sun-King nor Sherman support that. It is certainly fair to call the Sun-King “Mr. Property Tax Sununu,” but it is just as fair to call Sherman “Mr. All Taxes” Sherman.

2022 is shaping up to be a cakewalk … a totally undeserved cakewalk, but a cakewalk nonetheless … for the Sun-King.

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