Poor Lil’ Timmy Is Scared and Wants to Make the Rest of Us Responsible for Making Him Feel Better


This has been a great tactic by the Left – to play on YOUR emotions to make you “feel bad” because somebody just made themselves a “victim.” Yes, they are “playing” you – except now it’s become institutionalized on the Left.

Sorry, dude, you don’t get to place obligations upon others without their consent.

But it works because you let it work.  Here’s Timmy after NH State Rep Bob Greene made sport of the Democrats wanting to do a PR stunt with putting up Plexiglass Shields between the Repub and Dem seating.

In response to Rep. Greene’s tweet, Rep. Tim Horrigan (D-Durham) posted: “In all fairness, I am vaxxed, boosted, masked & still scared. And I think I am entitled to my feelings after 1 million died just in the USA.”

Get a clue, there are FAR bigger things that are FAR worse than see-through plates. Especially faced with the pics of that versus the Democrat dinner – maskless.

Sure thing, Timmy – you ARE entitled to your feelings but you are NOT allowed to use them like a sword.  Frankly, your feelings should be kept to yourself. You know, like how Democrats keep yammering about “the separation of Church and State”.  Problem is, you Socialist, are two-faced – the old “Fine for me but not for thee“.  YOU want to meld “Feelz and Government” and make it stick for the rest of us.

I guess you’re too slow for thinking – only feelings (and just as bad as that song, too).

Yes, he’s a nasty bit of work and he is his own reason I threw him out of here years ago.  A rather sniveling little Gollum is almost apt for a description but at least Gollum had a few brain cells. Make no mistake, Horrigan is a Socialist and has boasted in the past about how laws are to be skirted.  Yet, let someone on the Right try the same tactic, he’s the first one to cry foul.

A teacher’s pet rock.


(H/T: NH Journal)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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