Jenn Marr for Cooperative School Board in Kensington.

by Op-Ed

Dear residents of the SAU16 community, we support candidate Jenn Marr for Cooperative School Board Kensington.

As a longtime resident with two school-age children, Jenn is motivated to assist SAU16 to achieve a high ranking with a focus on a strong core curriculum.

Jenn comprehends the importance of dedication to our future generations and active involvement.

She believes in accountability, responsibility, and listening to all unique and individual needs while remaining impartial, supportive, transparent, and respectful to all.

Jenn will work to unify the community around an outstanding education system in which children, parents, taxpayers, teachers & administrators can all be proud to participate.

We look forward to Jenn Marr joining the Kensington Cooperative School Board.

Sincerely, Mike & Trish DeCaprio, Kensington




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