Information War in NH

I write to address the piece of information warfare published in NHPR and other outlets regarding supposed “extremists” in NH politics and policing, as affiliated (at any time) with the Oath Keepers organization.

First, we must address the nature of this piece, and the organization that published it. This is not a news article. This is a carefully planned, well-funded, and meticulous attempt to initiate social mass towards a campaign of “aufheben der kultur,” or “cancel culture,” aimed at broadly painting rightists, and anti-Communists, as dangerous extremists, and by slandering, and thereby making taboos of traditional American culture.

Second, this was published by the “Granite State News Collaborative,” which is a far-left organization funded by far-leftist organizations for the purpose of waging political information warfare, and it was written by a journalist with a history as a leftist activist, and a degree from the University that was home to the American Frankfurt School, and Herbert Marcuse: Columbia University has been bent towards an American Communist revolution for going on a century.

This “collaborative” is concerned primarily with the Woke Marxian concepts of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, forming something of a Woke Communist Trinity. If you haven’t read previous explanations (at length) of what this language actually means I’d advise you do so, but to summarize:


  • Diversity means accounting for broad intersectional characteristics (race, sex, etc) while maintaining an insistence that each person be an “authentic voice” for their particular intersectional mix by not straying from the theorized, socially-constructed, acceptable opinion. In other words, they don’t want “black faces that don’t want to be black voices,” to quote Rep Ayanna Pressley, or put another way, no freedom of thought that takes one outside their own standpoint epistemology is tolerable.
  • Equity is the adjustment of individual circumstances and characteristics (wealth, intellect, power) necessary to create a society in which absolutely no hierarchies exist, as there is nobody with anything more, anything better, or any difference at all from another. This conceptualization hinges on Marxian eschatology in which the 5th stage of History (Socialism) is marked by the use of violence to forcibly redistribute characteristics and circumstances until the 6th, and final, stage of History (Communism) is attained in which hierarchies naturally dissolve, the State ceases to exist (anarchy) as it is no longer necessary to use coercion, and all people are exactly as they “should be” as prescribed by the paganistic spirit conceptualization of diversity.
  • Inclusion is a simpler term in that it’s just an accusation thrown out in pure projection, as it ultimately means to marginalize those not toeing the Marxian line through the application of “aufheben” (cancel) campaigns by those included.


This collaborative, and its funders, are concerned with the Promotion of “direct democracy,” the Soros “restorative justice” project that sees criminals perpetually put back on the street by activist prosecutors, and justice continuously denied to victims, stirring up racialist controversies against NH police, keeping schools shut to children and amplifying covid panic porn, and promoting segregated learning and denying equal access to children based on skin color among other Marxist lines of effort.

The activist cited in this piece of information warfare, Grace Kendeke, is a prominent local Communist community organizer affiliated with such groups as Rights and Democracy (RAD), based in VT, which features positive references to Communists such as Angela Davis within their organization. Rights and Democracy exists to support the Marxist takeover of northern New England. A brief overview of one of their meetings can be seen here. Grace refers to herself as a “Black feminist, afro-futurist,” and roots her work in “justice and liberation.” The proper Marxian definitions for which can be found here.



Now, onto the subject of the hit piece, the affiliation of any persons with any such organizations is first and foremost an American right, as all of us have the freedom of association. There is (for now) nothing unlawful about being affiliated with such an organization. I’m not going to go into the depths of what, precisely, the organization is about, or what it has done. I’d point you to this piece in Revolver to learn more about their sketchy leadership.

What I will say is that we must not bow to the demands to cancel, disassociate, fire, or otherwise unperson these individuals. This is not a good-faith effort, and if we don’t hold strong next it will be NRA members, GOP registered voters, and you yourself, dear reader. And it will not stop at a public two minutes of hate. No, it will be your job, your bank account, your home, and your liberty next.

These names on the list were obtained through the unlawful cybercrimes most likely perpetrated by a state actor (hint: our own state), and fed to leftist NGOs, and “collaborations” to affect a Marxian campaign of perpetual revolution against wrongthink – forever narrowing the acceptable dissident discourse until none remains.

Now, I’m not sure it’s reasonable to classify the Oath Keepers as a “militia” group. Sure, they tend to be armed, but they don’t appear to conform to any strict organization or military structure. They are themselves made up primarily of first responders and military persons with the incumbent experience, but that does not necessarily make them militia.

That said, there’s nothing wrong with militia groups. It is the right of the American citizen, as outlined in the Second Amendment to the American Constitution, to belong to a militia group. In fact, all males of fighting age are automatically part of a militia group in the United States: the unorganized militia.

This was the founding vision of the nation that stands starkly against our current formulation of standing international armies and standing militarized police at home. I’ll end on that because I simply cannot do better justice to the militia argument than Security Studies Group does here, and I recommend reading it.

To those on the list (which may or may not include myself, I haven’t seen it, but I was briefly affiliated quite some time ago), take heart that to be hated by the enemy is no sin. Indeed, the hate of an enemy should be worn as a badge of honor. In this time of tyranny, when fascistic public-private government exists to exonerate the wicked and punish the good and decent, you have every cause to smile at their hate, for if you weren’t doing good deeds there would be none.

Learn to take their hate as a cause for great joy in the knowledge that you are a worthy opponent. Learn to be lonely without their hate and come to consider it a friend. Make friends with others who would also delight in it. I’d rather share a beer with anyone on this list than anyone who would come against them.



Reposted with the author’s permission.

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