Gunstock Mountain Resort – Do You Know What the Streisand Effect Is?


I’ve been doing some digging into Gunstock Mountain Resort (there, that should catch the attention of their Critical Mention service!) which is also known as the Gunstock Ski Area (or just plain “Gunstock”).  While presenting themselves to the public as a “ski company”, they really are just a mere political subdivision of Belknap County which, in turn, is a subdivision of the State of New Hampshire. And thus, subject to all rules and laws pertaining to political entities concerning transparency and openness (something they aren’t known for). They aren’t acting like it, though.

So I just sent this email to the Gunstock Area Commission – 5 people who are political appointees chosen by the “Belknap County Delegation”…

Sidenote: for our national and international readers, a “County Delegation” is a thing here in NH as every County in NH has one. Its members are made up of all of the NH State Representatives that have been elected to the House of Representatives. They are tasked with the approval and oversight of all entities of a County’s budget (e.g., Nursing home, Sheriff’s office, et al).

…so I just sent the Commissioners this quick note as their General Manager is dragging his feet on (or refusing outright to fork over) some items that I have demanded with NH’s Right To Know Law, RSA91:A:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
To: David Strang, Gary Keidaisch, Jade Wood, Peter Ness
Sent: 3/18/2022 6:35:52 AM
Subject: Gunstock Mountain Resort, Tom Day, and The Streisand Effect

Good morning, Gunstock Area Commissioners!

I wish to ask you all one very specific question:

Does your employee, Tom Day, fully grok what the Streisand Effect is?

It’s a well known blogger term so If he doesn’t know, we have a number of references to it on that can be retrieved via a simple search on site.  Or he can use the Search Engine of his choice.

Kindest regards,


Skip Murphy
Co-Founder, co-owner
Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire

This should prove to be interesting.

Note: yes, I only listed four.  There’s an ongoing controversy over the fifth. More on that later.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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