What If LeBron James Changed His Gender ... ? - Granite Grok

What If LeBron James Changed His Gender … ?

Lebron James jersey

This is one of those hypothetical thought experiments that will piss off the Gendersaurus. What if LeBron James changed his gender? What would happen next?

And don’t worry too much about Gendersaurs. Many are vegans (veggiesaurs to Jurassic Park fans), so they won’t eat you (that’s not true; I made it up, they may still try to eat you).

And they may yell and shout and cry and call you names because just ‘cuz how dare you ask such a question.

LeBron is one of the most successful NBA players in history. Amazing basketball player. He’s also a bad actor and a whiny diva, so there’s that and maybe those are signs of things to come. Anyway, I stumbled upon this clip, and after picking myself up, I watched it and laughed and said, this I must share.

It’s from Dave Chapelle. I’ve been a fan for a while, and I love it when he goes after the dopey woke.

So, this is him, asking a question that appears even more relevant today given the recent noise surrounding swimmer Lia Thomas and her penis.

Lia, a guy (in transition!), is kicking ass and taking names in collegiate women’s swimming when he’s not exposing his penis to his female teammates. The obvious question is why and the answer is men tend to be better at those sorts of things because of biology, the kind of science with which the Gendersaurs want no part.

Yes, better at showing women their penis because they have one (even if it makes the other girls uncomfortable) and better at physical contests in general given similar attention to fitness and skill.

Mr. Chappelle wonders what might happen if LeBron changed his gender, and it’s damn funny if you ask me because of the truth bomb that comes with it (language warning).



One other thing might happen if LeBron changed his gender and joined the WNBA. A lot more people would start watching it.

And, yes, if Dems have their way, men will rule Utopia and some of them might be wearing a dress. Biological women who complain will be labeled as bigots.

