Woman Develops COVID ‘Symptoms’ After Contact with CDC Test Monkeys

A truck with about 100 CDC cynomolgus macaque test monkeys lost its trailer after a crash, and a few of them escaped. Three were captured, but one remains at large. Is that last one named Wuhan, by any chance?

That would be so awesome. I’m going to call him that (how dare you gender that monkey!).

Wuhan flew from the scene, but a woman who witnessed the accident and wanted to help has since developed symptoms.


“What a day I try to help out at a[n] accident seen was told there were cats in the crates. So I [go] over to pet them [only] To find out it’s monkeys. Then I noticed that’s there 3 in each and [one] was completely broken the other was half broken,” Fallon wrote. “So I knew 4 got away. So come home go to bed. My aunt runs into New[s] crew [and] was ask[ed] to do [an] interview. Then find out not to get close to the monkey.”


Too late. Again, from her Facebook page (care of The Epoch Times),


Later, she wrote that she has “symptoms” that are like “Covid symptoms. Like seriously. A day from hell.” She was referring to COVID-19, the illness caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

Fallon told PAHomepage that she had an open cut on her hand and also developed pink-eye-like symptoms. She went to the emergency room at Geisinger Danville.



Truck full of CDC Test Monkeys (was it these?). Crash. Monkeys get loose. Woman “says” she develops symptoms.

How long before the CDC requires her to come into contact with a second monkey and then booster monkeys? It’s a fair question. We are, after all, just a bunch of CDC test monkeys.

Wait a minute, did they make ‘these’ monkeys wear masks? Would PETA care if they did?

One more point. Wuhan is still out there. Residents have been instructed not to approach the monkey but to notify authorities, probably because he is not wearing a mask in public.




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