Why is a “Republican” Governor Bashing Trump on CNN?

The Governor of the great State of New Hampshire was on CNN recently. Why? He wanted to remind their declining clique of left-wing viewers that he’s one of them.


[A]nchor Dana Bash aired a clip of Trump’s rally remarks before asking Sununu to respond. The Republican executive, meanwhile, compared the seditious violence at the US Capitol to the summer 2020 racial justice protests—a favorite tactic of conservatives.

“Look, the folks that were part of the riots and, frankly, the assault on the US Capitol have to be held accountable,” he stated. “There’s a rule of law. I don’t care whether you were part of burning cities and antifa in 2020 [or] you were storming the Capitol in 2021, everybody needs to be held accountable.”


What did Mr. Trump say?If I run and I win, we will treat those people from Jan. 6 fairly, we will treat them fairly, and if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly.”

Why does Chris Sununu assume that treating people fairly, which hints that they’ve been treated unfairly, abrogate the rule of law (like, say, warrantless searches ordered by an NH Governor during COVID)?

More importantly, why does Mr. Sununu believe that these people being interviewed and detained over the protests on January 6th are being treated fairly?

Private citizens have been jailed for up to a year without bail or trial, detained indefinitely. Not one of whom has been charged with anything warranting such treatment.

Trespassing. Property damage.

Where does His Excellency get his information, CNN?

Why is he not on Fox complaining about why Democrats who did more or less the same thing were not even a story on networks like CNN?

And what does an appreciation or respect for the rule of law have to do with hunting down people who just happened to be there, incarcerating them under suspicion of insurrection, and then not charging them or, eventually, bringing up charges of … trespassing?


Pressed directly on whether he felt the Capitol rioters should be pardoned, the Governor replied: “Of course not! Oh my goodness, no!”


They’ve been detained without bail with no hope of pardon, Governor.

I’m not surprised.

The Sununu’s are political creatures with solid ties to the Bush-Rove wing of the party. Never Trumpers, we call them, these days. A term for those establishment stooges who prefer the administrative state over actual local control.

Chris likes to talk the local control line, but he grabs at every federal dollar that comes his way. He takes those strings that come with it and anchors the Granite State to the DC Beltway and its bureaucratic tyranny.

He then smears the guy elected to cut as many of those strings as he could. To peel back the bureaucratic tyranny of the administrative state. To secure the border and rule of law.

Those citizens have rights that have been denied but Sununu would rather endear himself to the superstate.

Maybe governor Sununu doesn’t want to run for the US Senate because he’d rather run for President. That’s probably what papa Sununu would wish. Perhaps not the 2024 cycle – he’s young. So, is Chris laying some groundwork to prove he is one of them? A swamp creature at heart with a few tax-cutting credentials as Governor.

A small (r) republican but with the will to tie the states firmly to the central government?

Or maybe he wants to appease them so they don’t look too deeply into what goes on in drawing rooms of New Hampshire’s elite?

I’m open to other suggestions.

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