Sure Thing, Murder Turtle – Say The Quiet Part Out Loud (No Legislative Agenda if Senate Goes Republican)

by Skip

This just ANNOYS the heck out of me. Every time I see that the Democrats take power, we see the “Dense Pack” attack happen 2 minutes after all the oaths (not that they seem to mean much lately) are “promised” and the chamber is called into session.

Dense Pack can be translated as “we’ve lined up ALL our Agenda items, have written the Bills, and are going to launch them via MALS (the new technology magnetic propelled aircraft launcher on the USS Ford instead of the old steam catapults) in a hurry.

It’s happened time after time and REALLY accelerated when Obama first took office – I said it then and I say it again: it’s purpose was to keep the rest of us dizzy and discombobulated so we couldn’t figure how to respond. Too fast, too many, and too quick.  And here we see that instead of having their own taxiways chock-a-block with their own Bills, the Republicans will have bupkis, at least in the US Senate:

Leader McConnell Reveals GOP Won’t Have Legislative Agenda for Midterms

It’s now officially a midterm election year, but Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has told colleagues and donors that the GOP doesn’t have a legislative agenda. With the election ten months away but campaigning starting much sooner than that, it will remain to be seen if this tactic pays off. Rather, as Jonathan Swan reported for Axios last month, McConnell prefers to remind the American people of the legislative failures of Democrats.

The rest of it is behind a paywall but really, this is a mind-number trio of ickiness and badness. What, you don’t already know what you want to accomplish??  What, you haven’t seen how this tactic has failed in the past?  What, you haven’t learned that people want to vote FOR something instead of just against something?

I’ve been told for years that he’s a genius when it comes to mastery of the US Senate rules and politics. I admit, I’m just an ordinary schlub from central NH but even I can see that you can’t spin up GOOD Legislation in a concerted and organized fashion in just a couple of months in a whole variety of areas.  Especially if you are planning to take your grassroots into account when doing it.

Sidenote: Yeah I know, fat chance of that happening in for legislation and politicians in “far from here” DC. Heck, how often do we lament the same just in Concord, right? How often have both centers of Power gone DC Swampy instead of doing (FULLY!) what we send them down there to do?

We’ve seen this theater of the clueless before as they bellow word salads into the air saying “it’ll be different this time!”.  Give us the House. Then give us the Senate! Then give us the Presidency – THEN we’ll get something done.

Hey – we just watched that picture – you’re stupider than we believe you to think that we’re that stupid enough to believe you. In this case, past history DOES forecast our future history to be.  And until you can not only tell us the WHAT, WHAT, and the WHAT, and then DO, DO, and DO, we’re screwed.

It took them over a decade to understand what “The Constant Campaign” really meant – and still are missing the boat (re: examples being older brother John E and now Chris T Sununu in being out “air storied” with constant TV ads by Jeanne Shaheen and nothingness from little brudder in wanting to keep his

And THAT, Ladies and Gentlemen (screw you PC SJWs – you’re not taking my words away!), is my HAPPY thought for the day.

(H/T: Townhall)



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