Reader Mail – “Some of the Shoddiest, Laziest, Poorly Researched and Poorly Written Crap I’ve Seen in Years”

Steve MacDonald

It’s fun to get input, especially when it looks like this. Someone named Mark Terry had an opinion to share, and who am I to deny that opinion a larger audience if it suits me?

And it does. I’m the managing editor, so I can deny anyone anything if I feel like it. We don’t post all the Op-eds we get. And we don’t publish all the mail like this that we get. But this made me laugh (out loud), so I thought I’d share it with all of our readers.


Just read some of your ‘work’ on ‘GraniteGrok’ and I have to tell you that it’s some of the shoddiest, laziest, poorly researched and poorly written crap I’ve seen in years. I’m hoping your blog host has a covid disinformation clause and shuts you down.


Mark must not read much. I cant pick up the legacy print media without seeing “some of the shoddiest, laziest, poorly researched and poorly written crap” since the last time I looked.

As for a COVID clause, that’s Joe Biden. He’s COVID Clause. He brings mRNA vaccines and rapid tests to all the masked and distanced children (while illegal migrants get hotel accommodations, food stamps, and free air-fare – no masks or Jabs required)

This keeps the fear-to-power ratio in favor of the despots oligarching our Republic into a mobocracy.

And I’m okay with you doubting the expert research we share on COVID or Climate or anything else. It’s healthy to challenge, but I suspect that’s not your game. There was a very distinct bleating sound behind your words.

But thanks for being so incensed. You made the time to find my email address and drop me a line, and I was looking for something to post, and Bam! you’re it!

Oh, sorry, one more thing, Mark. Our hosting company believes strongly in free speech. That means (the last time we checked) they are committed to letting ideas duke it out in the court of public opinion.

That’s what our commenters will do with your input.

Thanks again for sharing it.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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