On Planet Earth Today, in 2022, There Are Several Species of Humans.

Kensley Vitoria

Speaking from a purely scientific perspective, following taxonomical systems that have been established and laid down for centuries, we can consider humans as such. Domaine eukarya, kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, class Mammalia, order primates, family Hominidae, genus homo, species homo sapiens.

Taking this to the next level, there are several main subspecies of humans: the native Americans (children of the Mayans, Inca, etc), the Caucasians (a.k.a. Whites), the Africans (a.k.a. Blacks), the Semites (Israeli, Middle Eastern, Pakistan, India), the Asian (China, Japan, Korea), and the pacific islander (Maori, Indonesia, Philippines, etc).

These are gross divisions, and finer sub-subspecies can be ascertained and defined.

Spearheaded mainly by woke regressive leftists in the USA, there is a clear campaign to foment interspecies hatred. Those who willfully tread down this path are themselves the racists and are fundamentally evil.

We want to thank Kensley Vitoria for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you want us to consider, please submit it to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

Their intent is to cause greater suffering, which they will then be able to exploit for personal power gain. That is incredibly evil. It is despicable. Although extreme, the response I advocate would be to root out these individuals and destroy them. They do not serve a constructive process, and they have deceived themselves into thinking that what they are doing is necessary and justified.

The Earth will not be able to progress civilizationally until these evil forces are destroyed and removed from the planet.

Some of these individuals work for Silicon Valley companies like Twitter, Google, and Facebook. Many are members of the so-called Democrat Party in the US, who are actually national socialists (see Germany circa 1930s for more detail on this ideology). They believe in eugenics and they practice scientific racism.

From the point of view of building a harmonious global civilization, these people are best left on the fringe. yet, through a variety of concurrent events, most of them intentionally set in motion with a destructive aim towards the Western civilizations, they now hold great power in the USA.

These woke regressive leftists would have you believe that the caucasian species of humans is the worst. Absolute worst. And everything wrong with today’s society is their fault.

Well, the stone-cold truth to the matter is that today’s society was engineered and constructed under the direction of Caucasians. It was the caucasian countries of Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States that through the course of the past millennia have emerged victorious as the most powerful subspecies group on the planet.

It is also through these millennia that countries have been established overseeing economic systems which permit massive upward social mobility for people of all races.

It takes a sheepish moron to miss this point.

One who follows the national socialist line of reasoning that the caucasian is to be demonized has been caught up in a myopic, narrow-minded line of reasoning bent on capturing socio-economic discontent and channeling it into racial hatred.

This must be brought to light.

On 20 November 1963, the General Assembly adopted the UN Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. In its preamble, the Declaration recognized that in spite of progress, discrimination based on race, color, or ethnic origin continued to give cause for serious concern.

That was sixty years ago. It has been all but forgotten.




  • Kensley Vitoria

    “Kensley is a proponent of freedom, virtue, intelligence, education, and justice. A teacher by trade, they enjoy writing about global politics, international economics and finance, and space exploration. Having attended Georgetown and Hong Kong Universities, they are happy to provide a unique perspective on world affairs.”

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